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New Dismemberment Mod


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I'm new to the forums and had an intriguing idea for a new kind of dismemberment mod. Basically, when the arm WITHOUT a Pip-Boy on it gets crippled, it should have a chance of being blown off. Severed. Whatever you want to call it. The player would then have to use blood packs or bandages to stop bleeding, and then the player would have to find a clinic and "get" a new arm (arm transplant). This could also go for BOTH legs, so if you get two legs blown off, would have to crawl. And if you didn't have the caps to get a transplant, you could "make" your own prosthetic out of waste material. I think this kind of mod would definitely send a sense of realism and survival into the player's mind.


Please comment if this is a stupid idea or a good one.

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If you got ur legs cut off, you'd lose blood in less than minute. How then are you gonna crawl to a clinic out of the middle of nowhere?

It's still a cool idea though. If ur arm gets dismembered during a fight, u can get a cyborg arm replacement maybe?

Edited by lennykrapitz
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