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Few questions for you pros


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I really like modding with Fallout. I never modded before though. Anyway here some quick questions.


1. How can I access the meshes in the game? If I create a new item or need a world mesh for a previously non usable item for example. How can I use meshes from the game and not custom meshes?


2. Can I somehow preview movement in GECK? I always have to save and start the game to preview what my NPCs are doing. Any faster / better way to do this? Any way to jump right away to a save game (without having to watch the intro and all that)?


3. Can I make a big sandbox of like 4000 and place idle markers in it and npcs will interact with them? How can I do this without using XMarkerHeadings?


4. How can I change the weapons of humans? I didn't find any weapon list.


5. How can I change the attack stats and health of humans? (the ones under NPCs in the object window)


7. How can I export objects that I created for one mod that I can use it in another?


Any help would be killer!

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well, i can only answer a few of these, as i'm not really sure about some of the questions here.....


the first is quite easy

when you create an item, you can use any model in the game for it

if, let's say, you want to use one of the weapon models of FO3 for a new item you make, you just need to know where that model is

when you search for it using the GECK, when trying to apply it to your new item, there should be no problem finding it

however you night have to unpack the BSA files in order to use their contents, if you haven't done that already


four is also supposed to be rather simple

this is divided into two options

you are either referring to an NPC, or to spawned NPCs (which are respawnable)

for an NPC, you can open the NPC in the GECK, and go to the Inventory tab, and there you can set the items that that NPC will have


if you are referring to a spawned NPC, then you need to change the leveled list of the items the actor gets

the leveled list is under Items --> Leveled Item

this should explain it just fine


now, in order to change the stats of an NPC, you need to open it in the GECK, and click on the Stats tab

you will see a box that says Use Stats that is ticked

untick it, and then you can change the stats as you wish

this should explain how


and for your last question, if you have made an item in one mod, and you want to use it in another one, you will either have to re-create the item in the new mod, or load both of the files

do note, however, that if you load both files, then your old mod will become a master for the new one, and will require it to be active in the game


i hope this helps :)

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1. Fomm comes with a BSA unpacker. Just be sure to extract the meshes it to it's proper location, such as 'meshes/clutter/garbagecan/garbagecanurban01'


3. You need to modify thier inventories. Keep in mind that if you want them to have unlimited ammo, choose a randomized list like 'WithAmmo10mmPistolNPC'

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