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Fallout new vegas DLC exclusive for xbox


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Dont worry everyone i'm sure obsidian won't screw over and abandon thier beloveded pc players right?.....RIGHT?
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I am loving F:NV but imo the bugs associated with it are going to be worsened early on by the DLC so lets let the 360 people bug test it for us. I gave my 360 to my kids in favor of the PS3 as it tends to get everything last. Which usually means most of the kinks get worked out before it arrives. I am also a lot older and understand patience when it comes to tech and software. I played F3 sans any DLC on the PC for a year and then left it alone for along time till the GOTY came out and then got it again with all the DLC for the 360 (eventually the PS3) and feel I have had a better gaming experience because of it.


I love the mods the PC version's offer but I prefer the ease of the consoles when it comes to usage. To me PC gaming becomes more complicated every year and sometimes I just want to pop in a disc and play without needing to know every little thing about my system and where to figure out all the bug resolutions assoiciated with them or be required to play online (another plus for the PS3 over the 360 imo). I rarely game on my PC anymore and my kids only get flash type games that require little high-end hardware to run. With four kids its cheaper for me to let them be console only to avoid all the "gaming on the PC" pitfalls.


Fallouts still pretty big and global so I am sure everyone will get it and if not then don't buy form the offending companies anymore. Easiest most sure fire way of getting them to listen. After my whole nightmare experience with Bioshock 2's half-assed support I will not give any company any money that refuses to "properly" support their product's post release. I will no longer pay for stuff I will never get to use.

Edited by noneed4me2
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How much did Micro$oft pay for this?



Why does M$ keep *bleeping* Windows game players? If it wasn't for games Apple would have a much larger percentage of the personal computer market.


I know this is in the first post page but, To awnser your question, Xbox360 market makes more money. its kinda sad that microsoft is in the PC gaming alliance yet does nothing to keep it alive rather just to say "hey! were here for you!" then go make xbox360 exclusives. But that is how it is now, The xbox360 platform is both cheaper to make games for and safer(in some opinions). The xbox360 comes with a DRM itself so companies dont have to invest one just to protect there games economy. In fact the thing people complain so much about is the only thing keeping the PC gaming industry going. PC gamers and pirates alike were warned by Developers and microsoft that if piracy didnt stop the course it was on DRM would have to be implimented and noone did stop so to save the industry we have DRM.


SO to awnser your question in a TL;DR state. xbox360 is safer and cheaper, makes more money then PC, therefor M$ goes in the way of the dollar bill...yall

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It was done probably to boost popularity and sales for the 360. I mean, the game is not as big as the last Fallout or as long (in my opinion).


Fallout 3 wasn't exactly long either before all of the DLCs. It actually has less quests and locations than New Vegas.


I'm not rebuying New Vegas just to have some DLC's, thats just dumb, I mean I really like New Vegas, but I don't like any game enough to buy it for full price twice.


Same here. GotY editions only make financial sense if you don't already own the original release.

Edited by zerrodefex
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