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Horseparts! A few different options...


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Alright, so right now, I'm being a dork and trying to find a way to replicate a RP race of mine in Skyrim. This race has the lower half of a horse, bipedally. Essentially, they're overglorified satyrs without horns.


Since making a whole new race + new digitigrade/hooved leg meshes would be a pain, I was wondering if anyone would be willing to whip up some wearable items that would accomplish this? I.e. 'boots' that turn the feet/ankles into hooves, a wearable horse tail... really, I'm not looking at anything specific here, just something that'll accomplish the appearance I'm looking for.


Any kind of effort or suggestion would be appreciated!

As would any links to something similar to what I'm looking for, although I think I've looked everywhere by now....

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