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Apologize letter and lessons learned from my last ban


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I was banned the other day, it was stupid of me to troll the mod thread. It's a violation of forums rules which I thought I knew well. I'd like to say I am sorry to bunsaki, ken1945, bunsaki, mutle and everyone in that thread I harassed. Please accept my sincerer apologies. I now understand these kind of trolling do nothing good to the community and will never troll anyone in the future.


Here is a quick story of the ban and unban of this account:

I noticed the shape of an armor mod is funny, and use bad language to harass everyone in that thread in hope someone would fix that shape, then I posted several pics of the original design of the armor from another game. Later I found a screenshot the armor mod which looks like 99% of the original (and copyrighted) ones, so I want to push the community to make a improved one like that. But I am so eager to post a stupid question, asking the OP whether posting a tutorial on how to ripping models is legal. This leads to the outright ban of this account. without any three strike warning. It was too late when I realized what I have done and the consequences, so did everything I can to contact the moderators, and kindly thanks to the generous moderators myrmaad, bben46, LHammonds, buddah I was given a second chance and this account is unbanned.



And I learned a valuable lesson, I should not talk about piracy or even related topic. So here I quote Vagrant0 from this thread:


Although you (rip models, as long as they're not distributed) may be correct, partially, the problem here is not in distributing those models, but in telling someone how to rip those models. This sort of thing is not allowed within this community because step 1 almost always leads to step 2. Easily obtained rips, even when one does them themselves are also an insult to those members in the community who spend their time and effort recreating objects from scratch for distribution. Reverse engineering components of one game for use in another is also usually a violation of copyright in and of itself even if there is no distribution. While the fuzz isn't likely to hunt down persons who do this, in allowing discussions of ripping to be had, the Nexus becomes legally responsible and open to lawsuits. Even frivolous ones can be very expensive. This is something we don't want, and as a result maintain a harsh stance against any discussion of activities such as this. Something which you do not seem to get.





I hope this post is an EXAMPLE OF WHAT NOT TO DO in this subforum, my story is an example and a caution. Do not make the same stupid mistake as I do.


And thanks to the moderators myrmaad, bben46, LHammonds, buddah for giving me a chance, I will behave myself and be a good citizen of this community.

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