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Mod Conflicts


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I ideally need to make a minor change to the Birthsign Doomstones (Just marking them as persistent) as part of a quest to gain new abilities.


Could anyone shine light on whether this would conflict with other mods affecting them?


Or, alternatively, any suggestions on how to check the distance from them if they're not persistent?

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Do they have a unique NIF or do they share the NIF with the Heaven Stones and just have separate textures? Have a look at Maskar's scripts in Basic Primary Needs (he has one that checks the NIFs for wells, to make them drinking sources).

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The Doomstones have individual NIFs. I'm pretty sure Doomstones and Heaven Stones are just different names for the same thing?


The one's I want to edit are in vanilla Oblivion (the ones that provide the Star Sign bonus').


I can't edit them in game via scripts because I need them to be persistent in my mod for the Scrips to save.


I want to use GetDistance, which only works on persistent references. I suspect I can use an array to check the surrounding cells for the stones?

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If you are trying to edit the stones themselves then you're working above my pay grade. If you are just trying to get the distance to the stone those scripts I mentioned will probably have some clues for you (you'd only be looking for the distance to a NIF ... can't see why something like that wouldn't compile, the NIFs are part of the parent aren't they??).


Oblivion:Magical Stones ... all you wanted to know about Doom Stones but were afraid to ask.

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