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Stopping sexy walk animation


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Hey all,


I installed a bunch of walk mods so I could get the 360 view in third person. Finally I settled on the excellent Natural Walk mod. But somewhere along the way I installed some animations that are making the women walk silly and very sexy. Even the guards, which is pretty immersion breaking.


I thought I found the problem in meshes/_male/specialanims:


I deleted 0FemaleVariableWalk_Young.kf and 0sexywalk01.kf but it didn't stop the sexy walking.


Anyone have any idea how I can stop it?

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you should try and delete the walk animations in the _male folder, not the subfolder.


If i remember correctly that is where the files for all the npc animation is at.


Maybe make a backup? I think the BSA has all the vanilla animation files so just deleting the ones in the folder would revert them to the original ones but you better backup just in case.

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Sounds to me like Pretty Woman - Animation Replacer. It does use the _male\specialanims folder, but the files are named as vanilla (e.g. walkforward.kf, walkfastforward.kf etc).


Download it to a folder and extract the download to that same folder. Compare the files in the extracted download to the ones in your _male\specialanims folder to figure out which come from Pretty Woman (especially if you have a bunch in there from various other mods). There can only be one file with any particular name, so to be certain your may need to compare the file size and date to get a fix on which are the Pretty Woman files (if you have Windows Explorer set up with default views showing you diddly squat, just right click the file you want to check and select Properties from the right click menu ... you want to compare Size not Size on disk and the date is below).

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Thanks both, changing the walking animations in the default "_male" folder fixed it. Now they walk kind of wooden (arms straight like robots) but it's waaaaaay better than the catwalk hahaha. Appreciate the help.

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