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Dismemberment mod


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Think about it you walk into bruma a lady says something like "STOP TALKING" you yank your sword out and slice her in 2 then swing round as she falls and lob her head off her shoulders, sound fun?


My crazy mod idea is we form a team and make DISMEMberment horror mod ;D ;D ;D

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Dozens of posts already exist for this topic. Use search. As for making it work, right now, only heads are doable as both hands are one mesh, both feet are another mesh, both legs are another mesh, arms, and body are another mesh. Unlike in Morrowind where each part of the body was a seperate piece, in Oblivion they're all tied together as a single piece, so any such mod would require vast ammounts creative scripting, animation work, meshes for all possible combinations (including pieces of armor/clothing) to even make it look half-assed. Frankly, it would take an entire team of dedicated and capable scripters working with an even more dedicated team of modelers to do anything like this within 2-3 years of working. Even then, it still would not look remotly like what you would like it to as the process for detecting hits to a single part of the body would be totally random at best. You're just going to have to settle with being able to turn their head into a skull that falls off.
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