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I do [mod requests] topic


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Anything that is somewhat realistically possible and not model/graphic/animation related can be done by me at request.

(*Your mod might take either 1 minute, 1 hour, 1 day, or 1 week to make, so don't be alarmed, if I said I'll do it, I'll do it)


So go ahead, my body is ready.


How to request:


*Post your idea in this topic in english, english that anyone can understand, english that a brit or american can understand, not what 12 year olds write on boards as an abomination of a language, do the latter and I'm going to ignore you for the rest of your life.


*Realize that not all things in life are a given, and If your mod request puts a huge strain on my time, I probably won't do it, unless it is a very interesting idea or you've donated some kush to my national agency.


*Remember that I cannot do visual mods, I am only adept at making gameplay effects(refer to: enchantments,spells, similar) or changes.


*If you sound dumb, I'll ignore you, try not to sound dumb, but if you are dumb and you know you are dumb then I'll forgive you, I'm a loving father.


*I will not do children porn/related stuff, even though I'm not against it in video games, some people might not be as morally sick and insensible, so we have to think about them more than us, those pussies, damn.


**I am not doing this for any personal gain, when I stop being bored this topic will probably die, if I start making kush for my national agency however, I might become a bit more interested ;~).


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Interesting initiative. ^^

Well, since you asked, I was looking on nexus for an orcish stronghold... there are a few but nothing special. What about making an orcish stronghold player house? Become the new warchief of the stronghold?

Simple layout like the vanilla ones ( Largashbur and Dushnikh Yal have good layouts to take a look), a couple of watchtowers, crafting stations and stuff, maybe a mine somewhere near. Quite basic. Preferable on a place a little more centered on the map, somewhere around Rorikstead or Mortal for convenience. A few NPCs... a couple of guards, a few orcs (followers?), a blacksmith or an apothecary and the warchief.

It would be really interesting and unique if you could challenge the warchief for a duel to the death to win his position alongside with the control of the stronghold.

Just a suggestion if you think its worth the trouble. ^^


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not model/graphic/animation


I only know how to make or change gameplay effects, not create player homes, strongholds or the sort, for example, I can make fully working NPC's with custom spells, with interesting dialogue but with no voice acting. I can make a spell that can kill anyone in the vicinity, or revive anyone in the vicinity, I can make a spell that can crash your game and make your save game unusable, I can make a spell that creates a file somewhere on your PC. Things like that.

I can create a script that dynamically adds scripts to other NPC's to make them immune to certain game mechanics and so on.


I can make a cooking station use no resources, craft you two items instead of one, give you aids or spawn dragons.

I can make a blink that teleports you to each nearby enemy, killing them instantly in the process. I can make a sword spawn behind them that impales them.


I can make a dueling script that generally works for every NPC in the world just like you suggested for your warchief, allowing you to take ownership of whatever it is that they owned before they died and so on.. also you'd get aids.



Edited by Kerberus14
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Can you create make two mods compatible? I use RS Children Ovwrhaul Mod, and I'd love to use Inconsequencial NPCs (damn spanish audio, I should look up how to change the whole game language). I know there are different types of children added but I want them to have the RS look. Not quite what you are looking for or can it be done?
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On the top of my head, I'd like to request an enchantment. A Slow effect, the same effect can be brewed into a poison. But the poison effect always slows a target down by 50%, with only the time varying based on your alchemy skill. I'd rather have the amount varied, and the effect could end when combat ends. I'm not looking to slow enemies down to a slug's speed, I'm going to dual enchant a weapon with Slow and Fear, so that my enemies flee in fear, but are too slow to outrun even my big brutish orc in heavy armor.


I suppose there's the matter of balancing the enchantment, so I would of course still accept if the amount remains 50% with the time varying, that's fine.

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Slow effects in Skyrim do not work properly, or do not work at all as far as I know, when I tried to make a slow effect spell/enchant and applied it to an NPC it never updated(even with the workaround, adding an item, changing an actor value etc.), and if it were to apply to myself I would have to do it via a script to make it work. Even the in-game spells barely work properly, try spawning a Death Hound and check how many times you actually get slowed when you get attacked by it.


1/10 times you will get slowed, the rest of the time it will register just like an attack. Trust me, I tried to do this, I ended up making a complete workaround by changing the slow to a "freeze" by disabling the A.I. you make the NPC's enter statue status(they look like they freeze in time), and I used that with a simple script to work it on NPC's. On the player character I had to attach scripts that change the movement speed then revert it back after the spell expired.

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1. Yes, by "freezing" the NPC's in time(aka disabling their A.I.) , that's how I worked it out. I tried experimenting with roots, disabling their ability to move or anything similar, NOTHING ELSE WORKED.


2. As for "slowing" the player character, I played around with the slow time spell, making the player move slower and the NPC's move faster(as an aftermath of the effect, they don't actually move faster, you just move slower in TIME, making them appear as they are moving faster than you), that's how I did it. The other option I had was using a script that checked all the time for a magic effect if it expired or not and if it is present then it would modify the movement speed, and if it wasn't, it would revert back to normal(this works properly on the player character), but it does this check every SECOND, with 200 other mods installed you would eventually CTD.

Edited by Kerberus14
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