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Problems with scripting.Help!!


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I want to make a bottle of nuka cola change to a bottle of ice nuka cola if it is added to a fridge

and this is the script,that i added to the bottle



scn NukaColaScript

float timer

ref rContainer

float ncount

Begin OnAdd

set timer to 0

set rContainer to GetContainer

if rContainer.GetIsID RefrigeratorWithFood

ShowMessage NukaColaMessage

set ncount to rContainer.GetItemCount NukaCola

if ncount > 0

rContainer.additem MS05IceNukaCola ncount

set ncount to rContainer.GetItemCount MS05IceNukaCola

if timer < 3

set timer to timer + GetSecondsPassed


rContainer.removeitem NukaCola ncount







the problem is that the timer doesnt work in onAdd blocks..as it seems

i dont know what to do i tried making a gamemode block to run the timer..and it ends up crashing the game

here it is



scn NukaColaScript


ref rContainer

int nCheck


Begin onAdd

set nCheck to 1

set rContainer to GetContainer

if rContainer.GetIsID RefrigeratorWithFood

if (rContainer.GetItemCount NukaCola > 0)

rContainer.additem MS05IceNukaCola 1





float timer


begin GameMode

if nCheck == 1

if timer < 3

set timer to timer + GetSecondsPassed


if (rContainer.GetItemCount NukaCola > 0)


set nCheck to 0

set timer to 0





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Thanks!Yeah i changed it and added the script to the fridge.i just didnt want it to run in a GameMode block

can i possibly make it run differently?its my first time using scripts in fallout and i`m inclined to think that GameMode blocks run all the time,so they would slow the performance of the game

is there any check i can do so the script wouldn't run all the time? like only if the player is in vicinity of the fridge or something?

or some other check..

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