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Your own town


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Now, i love the idea of the real time settler but i find that everytime i attempt to use it my pc crashes epic. I have been playing Assassins Creed II and i loved the town in it. It was simple and graceful, without any need to have more control then was needed over its developement. I'd just like to be able to front the hard earned caps to watch the town develope around me. Say you start with Bigtown, you could first pay an NPC (after the big trouble in bigtown quest obviously) to Establish Heavier defences and bigger walls being able to put the town into its own loading area like Megaton or Tenpennys towers relieving the stress of loading it on the worldmap when it gets too big.


Upgrades should start with building an office of some sort where you can funnel funds into, establish trade with other towns and start getting an income of your own from it. I would propose that the town is based on a Tier level where you only get to build advanced tech through upgrading the town to the max, for instance:


Start by building an office Tier one, giving you access to all tier one shops with basic supplies and ammo. Say you buy 3 out of 5 available tier one shops, you can upgrade your office to tier 2 giving you access to tier 2 shops and a few additional bits and bobs, like a guard post establishing patrols in the wastes with friendly troops. Upgrading the posts gives the guards more advanced equipment and much later on even robots. The walls also needed to be upgraded to encompass the size of the growing town. After the maximum upgraded walls to encompass the town (say tier 3) tiers 4, 5 and 6 should be just additional defences, like tier 4, troop patrols on the walls, 5: Automated turrers, 6: lazer walls with walled and grounded automated turrets and minefields.


Based on Karma i'd like to be able to build Slave pens, Brothels, Combat Arenas, Refugee camps, Homeless shelters all on the 3 tier system. The higher the worth of your town, the more income you recieve as it has more to trade and more inhabitance to tax which can of course be put back into the town for developement, or if your so inclined, into your own pocket to buy pretty things and slaves to practice your stabbing.

RTS, awesome mod, but just a little *too* flexable for my or my pc's liking.

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