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Ravenhold Castle website


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I mentioned this in the other area about the mod itself, but I figured that making it a new topic would work better. As some people might know, I am working on the Ravenhold Castle mod, and have been for some time. As of now it is mainly me working on it, since my scripter and quest maker (same person) has seemed to slip away into oblivion. Anyways, I am too busy to be able to work on a proper website for my mod and I was wondering if someone who is talanted enough would be able to set up and manage a website. I do have hosting, but I need to talk to my host first to see if he is ok with it.



Basically what I need is:


Someone to make the site and keep it somewhat updated.

Some sort of comment/email system

Hopefully I will have time to do a banner

Screen shot page


I dont need forums unless enough people feel its nescessary.



If you are able to help out with the mod itself, that would be great too. Either way, you will make your way into the credits of the mod (when it gets released).



I've also been avoiding recruiting other people because I didn't want the mod to get to be too large, but I am getting to the point that I need people who obviously know more about certain aspects of modding than I do. I need:


Quest maker/journal updater

Possibly a scripter

Interior design (mostly for houses and a few underground areas)

Exterior placement (trees, plants, rocks, etc.)


Either respond to this topic or email me or message me. School starts tomorrow (Tuesday), but I usually check the forums and my email almost every day and I am usually online at night after I get my homework finished (usually around 6 or 7 Eastern Time).


I would really appreciate it if people are willing to help because I have been working on this mod for over a year and havent gotton very far in the past couple months. I need the help of other modders to pull it together and hopefully release it. Plus I need other ideas to test against my own.

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