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Is it wrong to issue a death penalty?


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The theory it self has been proven here in DK. I got it from my wife, she works in this buisness. However it will not stand a trial. It is a theory developed by 2 Danish high level professors, and they have defended a PHD on the subject. It is several hundred pages, and I could due to reasonable reasons not post all of it here,

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The theory it self has been proven here in DK. I got it from my wife, she works in this buisness. However it will not stand a trial. It is a theory developed by 2 Danish high level professors, and they have defended a PHD on the subject. It is several hundred pages, and I could due to reasonable reasons not post all of it here,


Well, it is a worldwide movement as it would certainly affect the Justice system, the social system, and all that other stuff.

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To have a system of law in place that serves real justice, the punishment must fit the crime, anything else that does not grant this doesn't have the right to call itself a justice system. People that murder with intent, deserve to be executed.


The evidence required to grant a death penalty must also be very hard tangible evidence, defendants finger prints on the murder weapon, someone seeing the murder take place, victims blood on the defendants clothing, admission to the murder, or even a prior history of violence or threats concerning the defendant and the victim would be taken into consideration.


The idea of being innocent until proven guilty is a lie, it is in fact the other way around if you are being charged with a crime in a court of law.


Well, you could have fooled me. I am a lawyer, although not a practicing one at present, and I cannot tell you the number of times that I have sat in an English (I use the term English advisedly for reasons I am about to explain) court of law and heard the judge direct the jury before they retire to consider their verdict;-


"It is up to the prosecution to prove their case. Therefore, members of the jury, unless you are satisfied, beyond reasonable doubt,that the defendant is guilty as charged on the indictment, then you MUSTfind them Not Guilty."




I beg to differ, the few times I have set in a court room in front of a judge, I did not feel like I was innocent until proven guilty.

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Just because you feel that way, does not mean that the presumption of innocence is not there. It is the task of the prosecution to convince everyone (including the defendant, in the hope that he or she will crack under cross examination)that the defendant is guilty. And therein can lie the problem in dubious capital cases. People have been hanged because they were poor performers in the witness box - nervous or even not very likeable, which is not quite the same thing as guilty as hell. Even though I tend towards favouring capital punishment, I shudder to think in this media hysterical day and age what chance defendants would stand of a fair trial, should the UK re-introduce it. It would be the Salem witch trials reloaded. You could end up at the business end of "three yards of cord and a sliding board" just because you did not conform to a certain stereotype, or if the media had managed to whip up enough scurrilous filth about you. Some people just love reality TV shows where others are ritually humiliated and trashed. I guess they are the modern day equivalent of public hangings. Thank goodness THEY got abolished in the mid 19th century here.
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Just because you feel that way, does not mean that the presumption of innocence is not there. It is the task of the prosecution to convince everyone (including the defendant, in the hope that he or she will crack under cross examination)that the defendant is guilty. And therein can lie the problem in dubious capital cases. People have been hanged because they were poor performers in the witness box - nervous or even not very likeable, which is not quite the same thing as guilty as hell. Even though I tend towards favouring capital punishment, I shudder to think in this media hysterical day and age what chance defendants would stand of a fair trial, should the UK re-introduce it. It would be the Salem witch trials reloaded. You could end up at the business end of "three yards of cord and a sliding board" just because you did not conform to a certain stereotype, or if the media had managed to whip up enough scurrilous filth about you. Some people just love reality TV shows where others are ritually humiliated and trashed. I guess they are the modern day equivalent of public hangings. Thank goodness THEY got abolished in the mid 19th century here.




Amen, Sister... to most of that. :)

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That's another thing as well, the justice system is layered pretty good, but its flaws are clear standing. Due to the fact that most trials work under group opinion, A.K.A the jury, it doesn't always work as has been proven with false convictions. Only when people look at the entire picture, do they realize that the line between right and wrong shows up, and which side of that line they currently stand on. Edited by Keanumoreira
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The death sentence as I have stated elsewhere in a similar topic is of vital importance, primarily because of the rule of law being upheld ... let's face it you cannot have criminals running

around practising their craft - and yes it is a craft because they build upon their old methods with new and better ways to perform their actions.


So you have to enforce the law by punishing these people who cross the boundaries of civility with sentences that fit the crime.

Now those who inflict violence and brutality upon their victims must face up to the fact that a severe judgement will await them if apprehended.

And many a time they will even lose their own lives if they have taken the lives of others ... fair is fair.


Justice is not blind but rather has been blind folded, tied down and raped, the poor girl has become a sub and there is no orifice that has been left untouched ... she is in some serious need of medical attention.


The so called technicalities whereby evidence is not allowed into a trial because the prosecutor didnt declare it upfront and other such devious attempts to pervert our darling lady Justice must be erradicated.

as they do not seek justice for the crime but rather mercy for the criminal ... if you do the crime then you do the time.

It is quite clear in these instances that "justice" is not being sought but rather that it has become a play, an opera, a duel to see who is the title holder of the mastery of the chicanery of words.

Who will take the prize is of more importance than the tragedy or travesty that has has been committed or done.


Death to the death dealer, I say ... and prison to the rest.

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The death sentence is, as I've already said, nothing but a malfunctioning archaic instrument for public bread and circuses, evidentially useless to lower the crime rate in any political system. What remains is thus the old blood thirst of those fed with state happy meals and thrilling games in the circus. The risk-free show is a must see for the whole family. Edited by Surenas
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This shouldn't even be debated...


1. Why would it make anything better by killing someone who killed? It solves nothing at all. Ever murderer doesn't think they will get caught, unless they are insane. If you are insane whats the justice to putting a mentally ill person to death? Since the murderer doesn't think he will get caught it doesn't matter what the punishment will be, he should know he is risking his life either way. He could die in prison, he could die in a car chase, he could die in a police raid...


2. We NEVER know we have the right person. We might have a ton of evidence against they still might of been in the wrong place at the wrong time. We have murdered a lot of innocent people using this system of justice...

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The death sentence is, as I've already said, nothing but a malfunctioning archaic instrument for public bread and circuses, evidentially useless to lower the crime rate in any political system. What remains is thus the old blood thirst of those fed with state happy meals and thrilling games in the circus. The risk-free show is a must see for the whole family.


Well then Surenas let's all go to the frakkin circus because I just cannot allow some deranged child-molesting, women bashing rapist and violence feeding maniac to feel that they can get away with their crimes.

This has nothing to do with public or governmental (and sometimes they are exactly that - mental) public appeasement, NO, this has everything to do with justice for the victim and their family.

And as long as we shift our focus from this well then yes, it is but a public spectacle.


But then again on second thought maybe it would be a good idea to bring back public floggings and executions, sure the sickos might get off on this but at least it will leave no doubt in beholders mind that this

is the road that they will travel if they break the law.

Here in ZA the mob justice has taken a new twist, no longer will the mob beat the offender to a pulp, the onus now rests on you as the parent to mete out the punishment on your own kid,

right there and then.

This has forced parents to actually sit down with their kids and take notice of them and teach them not to do crime and to seek help if they see their child on a possible course of destruction.

I mean which parent wants to beat their own kid senseless (me me me I hear some people shouting, Lol), no seriously many have even had to take the lives of their own flesh and blood.


This has driven the criminals and their crime out of the townships and into the cities where all the niceties of the criminal justice system prevail, where you can commit the most heinous of crimes and still

walk away smiling.

Nah, uh uh take them down and frag them, they are not worth my tax money to feed and clothe while they ply their trade of death and destruction.


The emphasis here is on the poor little criminal, baloney it should be on the victim and their justice.

Hehe nice try though.

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