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Scripting help needed


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This is my current mod and what this script is meant to be for: Wolbrynes LSD Mod


I've got it mostly done now, but I want to work out better visual effects when taking the drug.

What I had in mind is something like a random script that triggers upon intake of the drug.

It needs to be totally random and the effects I want the script to chose from are:


motion blur

increased contrast/color dept


head cripple shade effect

everything looks wet and reflective of light

all npcs have big heads

crows flocking around the player (illusion only so they are non targetable in VATS, you can't interact with them etc)

all sounds echos


that's all I can think of atm.



Any help with a script that incorporates some, most or all of these effects would be MOST appreciated. if the help proves to be really good I might even send you 20 bucks over paypal :P


(if offering money for help is against the rules then I'll edit that part away from my post :P)

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As I am with scripts and not very good with shades/effects,i can only solve part of your problem.

Use GetRandomPercent to make the script random,like

if GetRandomPercent >= 0 && GetRandomPercent < 10

do this

elseif GetRandomPercent >= 10 && GetRandomPercent < 20

do that




wouldn't at call for the need of a list of effects from which to choose? like

1. effect




then use that list as the base for the script to run over and set the getrandompercent to the numbers of posts on said list?


this is just speculations from my side since I'm about as adept with scripting as freddy krueger is a people person :P

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