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This is bassicaly a thread for all the people who have or had braces to tell there tales of what it was like to have them and how terrible is was how many brackets broken and all that jazz.


I have braces and I'm due to get them off in 2011 July. I had braces for the reason of a locked in canine tooth, I had to get surgery to put a gold chain on the locked tooth to pull it down, After a year and a half and and 7 bracket braking (Now 9.) I still have braces and I hate my Orthodontist, He is an ass hole and so are his employees I want to move but I can't. (Also his license is in question) So far. As you can see by how many brackets I broke I HATE BRACES.

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I had to have braces (the removable kind) for a year after having some teeth removed (apparently, my jaw is too small for a full set of teeth, making them grow crooked). As I said they were the kind you can remove yourself, and I developed the habit of "clicking" them with my tongue, and about 6 months through the year I clicked the top one whilst swimming in the sea and lost it! My parents (who were paying for them) were not amused.
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My parent(s) are not amused either. I broke a bracket not too long ago (two hours ago) And my mom is mad because everytime I break a bracket (with the exception of 3 strikes) I get charged 15(Or 30 idk) dollars. And my mom also signed a contract with the orthodontist stating if I don't brush/wear my rubber bands/or break more brackets they have the power to remove my braces. And I NEED the braces so I can get that canine down fully. I'm like at 75% here. And now I'm about to lose it. Between me being financially strapped and my parents jobless, Its pretty hard to deal with this. But I'll make it! I've dealt with worse!
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