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*Looking for project*


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Hello forum, my name is Carl.

I'm a student in 3d modeling and what they call in canada: "Integration Multimedia".

i'm an extremely big fan of Bethesda work on the Elder Scrolls and Fallout series (especially 3 and NV) and I've been reading threads on this forum for some hours now :P


But what I am here for is this:


I'm not familiar AT ALL with modeling but I am very looking forward to do modeling for a mod in Fallout NV with someone or a team looking for a modeler.

I work on XSI Autodesk wich I have a license for.

I do modeling, rendering and I've been starting animating a little bit.

What I'm really looking forward is working directly with somebody asking for things AND opened to ideas, in other words: a team.

Direct communication with Skype for example would be very appreciated.

I've no experience on the working market I'm just looking for models and inspirations to put onto my Portfolio for future work.

If you had experience in modding for New Vegas and would like to do short learning sessions with me, I'd love to. Else I'll learn by myself.


For now, tons of work is piling on my desk so I can accept and look on ideas but I can't really start them off RIGHT NOW.

In About 3 weeks I'll have a month long holiday and will be able to concentrate on modding :)


Thank you for reading this, any advice and/or interests in my demand is appreciated.


(btw I'm french canadian so my english may be a little rough or basic )

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well, i hope someone will contact you

you sound like a talented person, and we could always use a good mod for New Vegas :)


if i would have been better at modding, and had an idea for a mod, i would jump on the opportunity

but who knows, maybe in the next weeks i'll get better, and find a nice idea......


well, to the point i had

what sort of modeling are you thinking of doing??

i mean, do you have a specific type of models in mind??

also, are you planning to just do models or animations, or even start modding??


good luck Carl, and hope your skills will be used properly, and provide us with some more quality mods :thumbsup:

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Well for now, since I am only qualified in modeling and animating (the last being very basic) I would be more into those two.

But, as said earlier, if somebody were to be generous enough to share his knowledge with me,

I would be all into doing anything :D

From weapons to armor.

From quests to map locations.

From perks to super powerful supernatural power related perks :P


As long as there is a challenge and something to learn in the universe of 3d; I'm in!!


So If you wanna start a porject and don't even KNOW what to start with and have no idea what to do:

Let's just brainstorm a bit and try finding an idea together!

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i would love that


i always wanted to start modeling, but it sounds way too hard for me to learn

and i don't have photoshop, so it will even be a challenge to retexture items, but i am trying to learn


but if i were doing a project (which i would love to do), i would probably make a nice big quest mod, with as much new contents as i can get (where i guess you come in :biggrin:)


if you would like to try this together, than let us start the brain storm :)

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I'm absolute drek at texturing and modeling, but I'm a pretty fair hand with the GECK. If you'd like some help learning that, I have articles posted for basic stuff. I'm not great at scripting, but I can put the items together and send them off to someone else to attach a script, and they can send it to you to attach the models and animation, and voila! there's a mod there. Or, you could pump everyone's brain for info, do it all yourself, and surprise the heck out of all of us one day. Regardless, if you need help, I'll do my best.
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Damn! You all sound grrrrrrrrreat to me :P And what surprises me even more is that you all have different specializations!

I forgot to say: I do javasript and HTML so I understand the logic and basics or Programming wich would make it easy implanting a new code language into that knowsledege.



Sounds great to me! A big quest would give me the opportunity to:

-Use already existing models and objects to try

-Learn the basics of modding and also use my modeling program to create new content

So let's start a small and slow but steady brainstorm on a forum or even on private convos if you'de like. But forum discussions would let people dig in.



Perfect!!! Texturing is not my forte :P so your skills would be Super-Welcomed. If you want to participate in our discussion about future projects, feel free to express yourself.



Been reading about that GECK for some days now but all it makes me think of now is that machine planned to repurify the wasteland in fallout 3 ahah.

Your knowledge will certainly be useful and I'll be sure to dig into those threads you talked about (and download whatever tool might be useful for the project).

Your help shall be gratly appreciated too :P.


Now, excuse me, but I'll be returning to a project on Adobe Flash cs4 about a photo gallery (for school). I'll concentrate on that for the rest of the evening.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry getting that thread back up!

But I got to remind you guys, the project is not dead at all (it's not even born yet :P)

No I had a rough week and, as I said in my first post:

The end of the semester (or what it's called in the us) is rough and WITHOUT MERCY!

So got some things running up, exams, projects (TONS) and beating teachers up.


So when will you be free Carl?

In about a week, 2 weeks at worse if bugs get inside my HTML, 3D and Flash CS4 projects (and javascript (and JQuerry ( and CSS)))


I'll be off working but if you have any suggestions post them here or start a new thread (noticing me)


If you need me, I'll be in my lab (don't google image search that)

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