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First, it's good to include a basic idea of what you're asking in the title of a thread. Second, if you want anyone's help, you need to be more clear about what, exactly, you are asking of them.


Do you want someone to tell you how to retexture an existing weapon? Are you trying to figure out how to apply textures in a modelling program? Are you looking for a program that you can use to create textures? Or are you trying to decide what sort of texture would look good on a particular piece?


For the first and third, look at the third page of this thread. Otherwise, post more details.

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Er... for some reason the link in your post leads to Penny Arcade, Abramul. ^^


He was referring to this thread, which has information on texturing and such, especially on the third page. If you need further help, please post there, as we're trying not to have so many active "how to" threads. Thanks.



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