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No Magic and/or Guns (for npcs too) with immersion


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A mod that significantly reduces visual magic effects and their power where appropriate. It should seem as if magic does play a role in skyrim but is used at minimal and doesn't look as flashy, it should become more of an immersion, a mysterious property at best, perhaps with a long quest line to unlock a few basic powers and keep it at that sort of thing, completely redo and delete most talent trees for magic, ideally merge all into 1. Additionally make npcs use magic lot less frequent, remove all spells possible without breaking the game. leave dragons be, remove the god damn freeze spell, keep telekinesis and other things which might suggest some sort of reality based ability. perhaps even add some, but the whole point is to make the player rely on his physical powers with an intensity close to real world.


im thinking survival setting, another request is to add guns, also to npcs, provide full steampunk immersion while retaining the medieval feel of the game.

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A mod that significantly reduces visual magic effects and their power where appropriate. It should seem as if magic does play a role in skyrim but is used at minimal and doesn't look as flashy, it should become more of an immersion, a mysterious property at best, perhaps with a long quest line to unlock a few basic powers and keep it at that sort of thing, completely redo and delete most talent trees for magic, ideally merge all into 1. Additionally make npcs use magic lot less frequent, remove all spells possible without breaking the game. leave dragons be, remove the god damn freeze spell, keep telekinesis and other things which might suggest some sort of reality based ability. perhaps even add some, but the whole point is to make the player rely on his physical powers with an intensity close to real world.


im thinking survival setting, another request is to add guns, also to npcs, provide full steampunk immersion while retaining the medieval feel of the game.




Or go get an actual steampunk game.

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