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Dual wielding <.<


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Could it be done by creating a certain rifle, certain parts invisible or what-not - but it's actually 2 handguns.?. I dunno.


The only way id see this as being possible would be making a new weapon called 'Dual 9mm pistol' and use a mesh that has 2 pistols, 1 in each hands. The main issue and what makes it difficult or time consuming is that you would need to make whole new animation from scratch that makes it so your character also fires from the left hand. Then you'd have to make new holding positions and new holstering so that one pistol appears on the left side when holstered.


As far as doing 'more damage or firing faster' That's easily editable via geck by changing the values like for any other weapons. I still think its in the realm of possibilities, i mean i think i saw mods that change the animation for all kinds of sexual positions, so its hard for me to believe that making animation and poses for dual pistol would require that much more efforts. But who knows, im not very good with my geck, i only do the basics.

Edited by StradhV
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Its not as simple as creating animations or 2handguns if you look up some of the older dual wield requests you will see the REAL amount of work that comes with attempting to add dual wield. Expensive or free programs have nothing to do with it. Edited by ecksile
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yeah it wouldnt look bad aesthetically, especially if you animate it in a way where the secondary gun shoots a bit after the main hand gun. It would seem that its a different shot being fired and so it would seem your doing damage to your enemy. Kind of like an illusion just add a firing sound to the secondary weapon have it fire at a slower rate like a 1,2,1,2 sort of thing and bam. No need to work the mechanics. But StradhV is right it would be a lot of work from an individual stand point. The animations would have to be made from scratch and not to mention creating a custom mesh and texture placing the gun in both hands, and of course making sure that the mod doesnt clash with other weapon mods or overhaul mods out there. So basically a lot of work for no pay, just play but playing is so fun. Edited by GreatWhiteFang
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Theres a reason it hasnt been done theres way more that needs to be done then listed by whitefang scripting, many nif and engine issues to get around, and not to mention you will have to give up another weapons MAIN animations not just firing animations but the run, jump, strafe, all those will have to be REPLACED not just added because you cant just add, you will have to give up an entire animation group..he barely scratched the surface of the requirements. Edited by ecksile
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I am glad this hasn't been added yet. Firing two guns is about as effective as throwing a handful of bullets at someone, unless you are standing less than 10 feet away from them. I am sure if it is possible someone would have done it already, considering its something thats been requested since day one of FO3. I hate to be negetive crush your dreams guy, just tired of seeing these threads pop up.
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(Loudly clears throat....) http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/268300-dual-wielding-kind-of/page__pid__2412867#entry2412867


It's a good start, and the animations are probably the easiest part of this whole thing.


I really think it's just a matter of priority, the work outweighs the return, so even experienced modders who could do it, just don't want to deal with the frustrations involved. But perhaps this will wet your whistle until then.

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