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bug with a chameleon ring :'(


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well actually i didn't went far enough to test a chameleon spell but well, i find it wierd that when i equip a chameleon spelled ring i completly disapear from the screen ... i tried to unload every mod i had and it didn't change anything (i just downloaded ooo )...



if you've got any idea i would greatly appreciate :)



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Actually you don't quite disappear. There is a vague shimmering effect. You will completely disappear only if your chameleon equals or exceeds 100%. Even on 95% some people will see you but 100% you are truly invisible. You can kill any monster and it will not stop you.


Don't mind Abramul. He's been absent for the forums for a while and without the daily fix it can lead to strangeness!

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well, just stay in first person mode and it won't be a problem. :D


altho, you can't see your sword/bow so you will hav to deal with that, but you can see your aiming recticle, I use a 100% chameleon ring for all my.....jobs. It gets annoying at times. Or you could always take a chance with a 60 or 70% chameleon ring, and hope they don't see you. :)

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Actually you don't quite disappear. There is a vague shimmering effect. You will completely disappear only if your chameleon equals or exceeds 100%. Even on 95% some people will see you but 100% you are truly invisible. You can kill any monster and it will not stop you.


Don't mind Abramul. He's been absent for the forums for a while and without the daily fix it can lead to strangeness!



Is there any visible difference in the first person display based on whether your chameleon is 100% or less than that? My impression is that as soon as y ou have any degree of chameloen or invisibility on you then you essentially appear as if you are made of a transparent gel. You can see through the gel but there is enough surface effect that you see light refracted some from that, e.g. the shimmer effect you mention. I think the way the transparency effect is implemented does mean that the level of surface effect/shimmer is dependent on the ambient light level and hence may not be noticeable when a character is relatively in the dark.


I'll believe that 100% chameleon is the magic number for being completely undetectable to npc's. I do not think I've noticed any difference in how transparent my character appears, at least in first person which I normally use, based on the level of chameleon I'm using.

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well with my ring it has 1000% chameleon, and there is absolutely NO trace of my character at all. he is completely gone. anything below 80% you can see pretty easily, but that 80 and 90% is hard to see, but there is a distortion of sorts, 100% there is a very small distortion, and a glimmer like Malchik said.
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hmmm then there is a bug on my version ,p because i found a 14% chameleon spelled ring ... and i totally disapear :s, no shadow, no gelly stuff, absolutly nothing which is wierd :), save the recticle


have you any idea ?




(next time i shall be aware that there are some joker around ,) )

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