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From fine to frazzled...


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Yay, I have (once again!) managed to break New Vegas without a clue as to how or why.


The past couple days, Steam has been saying that I need to reinstall New Vegas (this is weird in and of itself, because I haven't uninstalled it). I usually just hit "Cancel", and then can launch the game normally via FNV4GB. Then, sometimes I get an "application load error", 6:000xxxx (I can't remember exactly what it is). Again, once that box closes, the game re-launches as normal. Fast-forward to this time yesterday, I go to load the game and get a rather bizarre sequence of events.


Game loads up seemingly as normal, but instead of the main FNV screen, I get a black screen and a pop-up saying that JIP's CC&C UI stuff is borked, followed by the same for JIP's FTA and JIP's S-F mods, and then one saying that the files for The Weapon Mod Menu are "either missing or belong to a different mod/game". Immediately after that box, I get a brief shot of an in-game loading screen, followed by a CTD.


Uninstalled the supposedly broken mods, now the game just CTDs whenever it gets to the main FNV screen. This has persisted across two full uninstall/reinstall sessions, and I'm in the middle of manually purging everything mod-related and then FNV-related from my machine.



Anyone care to guess what I managed to break this time?

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Try having Steam verify the game cache....


Load Steam
From the Library section, right-click on the game and select Properties from the menu.
Select the Local files tab and click the Verify integrity of game cache... button.
Steam will verify the game's files - this process may take several minutes.
Once the process is completed, the Check Window will automatically exit.
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