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Revamped Exterior Fog & Shadow Issue


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Here is a video (not made by me) that clearly shows the issue I have --

I'd appreciate it if someone could take a couple of minutes and help me out here... I appear to be having some shadow-related issues that are the result of Revamped Exterior Fog.

Below you will find two screenshots. I typically play with the Serenity ENB preset, but my ENB is disabled in both screenshots. Therefore, this is not an ENB-related issue. The first screenshot (A) you can clearly see a very harsh shadow line in the grass. I'm assuming this is at my fdrawshadowdistance setting, but that isn't the issue here.

Why such a drastic shadow? Everything within this shadow drawing distance is very dark if not completely black.

In the second screenshot (B), you can see what happens (with ENB also disabled) when Revamped Exterior Fog is disabled...

As you can see, the shadows are much more subtle and actually look as they should. Any ideas?

Note, again, both screenshots my ENB is disabled. I also tried a new skyrimprefs.ini file and that didn't help...

Link to my mods, inis, etc -- http://modwat.ch/dynamiKsf#/modlist

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Reinstalled all of my mods and started a new profile on MO, problem still persists...




In addition to disabling Revamped Exterior Fog, I also can "solve" this shadow problem by changing fShadowDistance to zero... Again tho, this isn't an ideal fix, as that completely removes my shadows.


FYI, this video is my exact problem -

Edited by dynamiKsf
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