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Interesting glitches?


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There I am walking near McCarran and the NCR soldiers go red and start attacking me. Now I am idolized by them. So instead of attacking back, I run off and where do I find myself? In the middle of Fiend territory! I thought for sure I was a goner. But nope!! They don't even attack!


I am not wearing any sort of faction armor. In fact, at the time, I am wearing reinforced leather. So I think to myself: "Self.." I say, "maybe there's a glitch in the armor I'm wearing." So I take it off, in the midst of all the Fiends and nothing happens. They still don't attack. So I run naked back towards McCarran and the NCR attack!


I have no clue, but one thing I do know is that this run through has had some very odd things going on. Maybe it's that characters name? I highly doubt it, but if anyone would like to try:


Name: Max

Race: Caucasian

Hair: Bald + Goatee

Color: Chocolate

Eyes: Green


Another weird thing was when I entered Ranger Station Charlie, I saw a Trader. Tried talking to him and he then disappeared! I think I have a ghost in my game. Hahahahaha!


Has anybody else had strange occurrences?

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Aside from all the radscorpions glitched halfway into the ground all over the place and NPCs constantly trying to walk through furniture, I've seen raiders do some weird things. I just saw a fiend briefly appear in front of Crimson Caravan and then mysteriously disappear two seconds later.


The visual glitches are pretty overwhelming, though. I mean, there's stuttering in the damn animations all over the place. That is to say, when I'm just standing there watching an NPC walk by, their legs flicker back and forth really fast. It's not in every location, though. Just in the odd random locations.

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The issues I am having are my favorite by far. Although, I do like the slip slide scoot of ppl across the wasteland like they are skiing or something. Legs don't move but they sure glide around. Also I like the Siamese twins that appear at random times. One head is a Trader, the other head is a Merc. HAHAHAHAHA!


Or what about the occasional Jackal member that appears and walks by saying: Howdy. Then walks his happy self into nothing.

Edited by SColla
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Lots of interesting "bugs" in this game. I had a cazador that refused to die. I dropped its health to zero and turned my attention to the other 100 (sure seems to be that many when you find them, anyhow) or so that were attacking, only to be killed by the once thought dead bug. A save reloaded and the exact same thing happened. Ok, not a momentary glitch, but a real "bug". On the third try, I reduced it to zero health again and immediately went console kill on its @$$. This event took place near Supermutie-ville. As if the cazadors aren't difficult enough, there has to be an immortal one flying about...
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My fave was the locked up alpha male deathclaw, mid bound, mid roar but could only swivel impotently in place to face me as emptied clip after clip, flamed and placed C4 beneath it. I swear it was starting to get a strained expression on its face by the time I was beating it over the head with a shovel!
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I like how I walked into Old Mormon Fort, only to be attacked by everyone in the damn place for no reason at all. Then I run outside and everyone ELSE starts attacking me for no reason and pretty soon I have the entire population of freeside (plus bigger population mod) chasing and shooting me. I solved THAT problem by using a stealth boy in a corner.
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Er, I just came from one of Ambassador Crocker's office, after one of our little chats and Alerio the Legion agent was waiting, lurking around the corner! I walked past him and turned at the end of the hall he wasn't going in he was just stood there.

F**k me a Legion agent can just hang around the ambassadors office and no-one bats an eye!


He would have probably died of natural causes, eventually anyway.

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