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Homeworld 3?


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With gearbox entertainment resurrecting the legendary 3D RTS game "homeworld" by remaking homeworld 1 and 2 with modernized graphics, is it possible that there are plans on creating a third homeworld at some point in the next few years?

They is already a third installment into the homeworld universe (but still not a full-blown sequel) called homeworld shipbreakers, Perhaps this is meant to rekindle the public's interest in the homeworld franchise in preparation for a sequel?


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Original Ship breakers was not part of the Homeworld Universe however as the team making it is made of a large majority of the Original Homeworld team, including writer and artist. It wasn't till 2k bought the rights to Homeworld and also bought into Blackbird to finance the game. So they felt it was perfect to give the original team the IP back to drum up more hype. As far as being Homeworld 3, its not, as its going to be mostly fighting on planets with top down combat. Though what I did hear this game is going to turn into a prequel to Homeworld and will be the finding of the first Core.

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