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Crash to deskop when killing enclave


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Yea just what the topic says, From the start when i bought the Fallout 3 GOTY i always got crash when encountering/killing enclave soldier.

But i thought this wasn't big deal and i just avoided them. But now i am in that part where Enclave starts appearing on the main quest.

I crash everytime i leave the sewer.

This is not because of my mods, or atleast i think because i had crash almost right after i left the vault. And i had like 2 mods back then. Enclave commander and MMM increased spawns.

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just guessing here




MMM increased spawns really should be used as part of the complete MMM


and its been replaced by the new version of MMM


but it doesn't present you with Enclave opponents until you open them up as part of the main quest


so beginning players don't encounter them


that leaves


Enclave Commander and maybe some part of it is outdated or not installed




MMM increased spawns acts funny when used in isolation

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