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Your best games with crap review scores


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Do you know of any games (doesn't matter how old or which system) that you thought that were actually pretty good or very good or even epic and didn't get the review scores they deserved. Like they gave it a 6 and it should be an 8 or they give it an 8 and it should haven been a 9.5. Or even worse deserving a 9 and getting a 5.


Big review sites are gamespot and ign. There are a lot of others too i know

You can see average scores of all games of all big review sites and magazines on www.gamerankings.com


my choices




some sites gave it a 9 but a lot others in sevens, some even in five and 6.

It got 7.5 on gamespot and got 81 % on gamerankings. It should have gotten something between 9.5 and 10. The dragon, the swords, the enemies, the landscapes, the dungeons, the story, the gameplay are just way too good.




5.2 on gamespot, what idiot wrote that, pc gamer uk 5.5, 71% on gamerankings. There were some other sites that gave it 8 and 9 though and one even gave it a 9.5. That's what hitman deserved. The ragdoll physics (they are still used in oblivion, i don't think ragdoll physics were ever used before this game), the world setting and graphics (japanese temple, jungle , restaurant in the city) , the gunplay was the best known to date for me, leaning after a tree in third person and seeing the bullets hit the tree inches away from your head. Getting caught and suddenly being attacked by a whole gang and if you we're good at you could take em all out.


The first levels were very difficult because it was a style of play that has never been done before, and once you got familiar with the engine you pretty much felt like a real hitman. Luckily for the developper they the credit they deserved with hitman 2 (allthough hitman 1 was better imo)


Worms 4: mayhem


Maybe some people just don't like this action turn based stratey game because it's actually hard to compare it with other games. Or they just couldn't handle the step to 3d allthough there were 3d worms games before it but they weren't as good as this one.

There is just so much to the game that makes the multiplayer so engaging especially with all the custumizations. Playing against good players in multiplayers didn't only asked to master the gameplay and controls but also have a strategic overview of the situation especially playing with multiple players and custom play settings.


6.2 on gamespot, a lot other sites in the sevens, some in the eight. It should have gotten 9.5, if it wasn't sometimes for the bugs it would have deserved a 10



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So basically you're saying there is just one possible taste in games and someone is an "idiot" if they don'l like exactly the same things you do?


Taste in games is one thing, but then you shouldn't be reviewing games if you don't have a broad taste or a sense for quality.

If you look at the user review score for hitman for example is 7.7 while the reviewer wrote 5.2. For worms 4 reviewer gave 6.2 (user score is 8.1). Also don't underestimate the power of reviews , the user review score is also lower because of bad reviews because people don't start to play a game because it got bad reviews. If you are critizing a good game (not to say a very good game) like hitman with such a low score because you don't know what you're talking about and you're working for one of the major review sites

then you're in my book an 'idiot'.

Edited by evildead789
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It is, after all, the reviewer's opinion. But just post what you don't agree with; don't gotta be a jerk about it Moraelin, it was not TC's intention. It is true though that reviewers do some really dumb things, because they must have a factual basis to some extent. And don't go reviewing an FPS if you can't put up with FPS gameplay in general, seriously.


One game I personally love is Blazblue. GameInforner gave it a 7.75. Used to be OK with their reviews, now I disagree with so many of them. I just look at their other stories now to keep up with the latest tech.






- Challenging and complex fighter

- Learning is a slow/aggravating grind

- Newcomers will take plenty of lumps before mastering any characters

- Throwing special attacks with the right analog helps even the field for beginners though

-"Longwinded mess of a story" and say the only thrill is the 1 on 1 combat.

-The 2nd reviewer asked if he was playing a 2D fighter or "a drug induced gothic hallucination"


That was overall a poorly written review. Don't regret my purchase.

Edited by AliasTheory
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thx alias, besides i should have said he was idiotic a that point, maybe not an idiot in general :biggrin:


Also i started this thread in the first place to find the hidden gems, the laughter with the reviewer(s) was just splash damage allthough they kinda deserve it because if they write a bad review that isn't justified it cost the developer a lot of money and he doesn't get the respect for a job well done. Gamespot is one of the major review sites and has certainly an impact on this especially when another big review site follows.


But enough about that the title of that review you posted


BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger

With Games This Colorful and Chaotic, Who Needs Drugs?


Isn't necessarily bad advertising, i have to try that game lol

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Tom Clancy's HAWX-2.


H' awkward name, admitedly, but bloody hell what a game. I've proudly played every single Xbox 360 flight game ever released in Australia and as far as Im concerned, this is easily the best.


The controls are fantastic, the gameplay superb, the mission structure and fully online co-op'ed campaign faultless, the "choose your own rewards" system, perfect.


But all the reviews I saw of it, panned it for being "too hardcore" and "not the game that brings me into flight gaming".


It saddens me that this game, which I would gladly give a 9.5/10, got panned simply because reviewers were a bunch of wimpy casuals without the guts to play a real game.


HAWX 2 is the best flying game on Xbox 360 at the moment bar none, truly excellent especialy online, it's perfect for players of ALL skill levels, just not weak hearted reviewers. If you want to fly a Sukhoi SU-47 in a dogfight over Moscow in unmatched photoreal graphics, or fly an F-16 down a canyon in Afghanistan, this is the game for you. Nothing else comes even remotely close. And trust me, I've played everything else.

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But enough about that the title of that review you posted


BlazBlue: Calamity Trigger

With Games This Colorful and Chaotic, Who Needs Drugs?


Isn't necessarily bad advertising, i have to try that game lol

Go get Continuum Shift, aka the second one. Get it for the PS3 if you have one, because it has all the DLC and Arcsys Works has delayed the 360 one FOREVER. At least a couple months now. Calamity Trigger is for the PC, though gameplay-wise very different on the technical level.


@Vindekarr: I've heard good about that game too. Many of those that I know who have played it would wholeheartedly agree with that last paragraph. :)

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@ aliasi have a 360 , never heard of that game before allthough it has a user score of 8.8 on gamespot (which is high).


@vindekar. good to know about hawx , i see a lot of mixed pro and user review. I think of putting that on my wishlist. The last good dogfight i had wax in x-wing:tie fighter (and that's a long time ago)

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Here are some more remarkable games that deserve recognition, but did not recieve it.


CRASH, original Xbox, 2001.


This is the best casual game I've ever played.


Im a huge racer fan-I've raced pretty much everything with an engine ever, cars, boats, hovercraft, airplanes, tanks, monster trucks.


To make a racer truly superb, it needs to have a point of diference that makes it itself. Something about it that nothing else has. Furthermore, truly superb racers, like Need For Speed: Hot Pursuit and Burnout Paradise, also are total packages, with not just good cars and good gameplay, but great setting, great music, and great fun moments.


CRASH is the oldest "total package" racer I've ever seen. For family fun, this hilarious, over the top demolition derby/stunt driving game is all but unmatched. With dificulty laguage, and theme soft enough for a G rating, and controls that are nuanced enough for a seasoned master, yet simple enough for the most inexperienced rookie, this game truly deserves recognition as be the everyone's racer of the Xbox.


But I've never seen a review for it anywhere. This obscure little british racer is almost unknown. And to be honest, that's really sad. Because I got this when I was 11, and I had more fun with it, for longer, than I did in MW, and MW 2 combined.

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