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Belep blaat mee meep aa ah zoppa top zaa soop?


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Play with words, make them stand the test of time. Take risk's climb ideas which others built to challenge us. Make it fun for you. You may find, like I did, that the last two people you thought you knew are on the roof looking out over MORROWIND, OBLIVION, Fallout 3, and where you live too. While others dig in the earth with the same intent to see what someone thought was so delightful about a hole in the ground. :unsure:


High upon a building only the richest members of parliament attend there were two well dressed men scuffing up their expensive shoes, roughing up their expensive suits,♠ on the roofing there just to take a bit of fresh air.


See for yourself and then like us climb and jump around than go to a candy shop and have some more of the pits people all pronounce when someone else has a cherry glow on because they have been daring to find the highest point off the castles nook and even though it upset the snooty lovely queen it was fun just for the moment.


Now I have to get ready to go test a couple of material things someone else left me to see if it is pleasing to me.


Have a nice day! :biggrin:

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Now that I've had a moment to think about the Queen I wonder, if she is snooty because in her own heart she missing the days when climbing the ways she see us doing makes her leap at the thought and cannot for she has more duties keeping her from her secreted pleasures.


While the white house in the U. S. I am sure has stood the test, a time or two, of several people daring to climb the roof to take in the view. Even the security men and women who had the wind to attend it probably had cherry cheeks :woot: as they seemed to be in heated pursuit of the people who took them on a merry chase across the heights of the building sites from above. As much fun as they had, they still had to act bad, :sweat: and claim they were on the job making sure the hearty people they chased were not a threat to our nations capitol. :tongue:


Cheers! :biggrin:

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