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3rd person weird blank (pics inside)


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This is my first time having an issue with 3rd person in Oblivion (See the images below). And BEFORE you said about checking the previous saves and see if it works -- I did and it's still same problem.


This is 1st person and was seen to be normal, right?







Until when I switched to 3rd person, this is what happened.






And yes, I've installed some of mods and these are:


DarNified UI 1.3.2

Oblivion XP 4.3.2

Unofficial Oblivion, Official Mods, and Shivering Isles (Versions altogether are 1.2.416)

Dude Wheres My Horse

Ren BeautyPack Hairs & Full

Apachi Goddess Store


Oblivion Citadel Door Fix

Archery Rebalance

Enchanced Water v20

A To Take All

Oblivion Stereo SOund Overhaul

Capes and Cloaks

Natural Environments



Appreciated if you help me to find a culprit behind it.

Edited by Dragonboom26
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It's a short list ... I'd try disabling one mod at a time until the problem clears to figure out the cause (and I'd start at MiniMap and then move on to Enhanced Water v20 ... not so much that I have a specific reason to suspect them but those two along with Natural Environments seem to me to be the ones that touch what you see on screen).


It never seems to fail that adding one mod at a time and testing thoroughly in between is always the fastest way to get your game modded up (if you add one mod to a working game and it breaks something it's a trivial matter to figure out where to start troubleshooting).


- Edit - Look through the mod comments at DarNified UI for something similar ... could be the cause as well.

Edited by Striker879
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Okay, I just investigated through DarNified UI, and I don't think that was one. Cuz when I deactivated it -- the issue is still unaffected, so I reinstalled it back. It's probably other mods that cause it. As you said, I will try disable one-by-one and will let you know if I find anything that cause the glitch.

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I don't use any UI mods myself (well except HUD Status Bars) but I think I can recall some posts about people saying they couldn't undo the changes that installing the UI mod had made (generally there are files/fonts replaced when installing the UI ... deactivating alone won't reverse the changes).


If none of the other mods seem to be it either then look at the uninstall instructions for DarNified and follow them rather than just deactivating (which leaves all of the files in place, just the ESP isn't activated).


Same situation could apply to the other mods I mentioned ... I don't use either of them but chances are they will have some files installed that the game will use instead of the vanilla files in the BSA archives. If you installed with a manager and are unsure about whether or not it is uninstalling all of the files it installed with a mod you can download the mod to a folder, extract it and see what files and folders it installs, and then compare to your game install's files and folders.


If you're unsure about whether or not it's safe to delete a file don't ... just move the file to a temporary folder while you test, or you can rename the file while testing (so you'd change menu.xls to xxmenu.xls for example). Just keep track of what you've renamed so you can change things back if that turns out to not be the problem.

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FInally! I think I discovered the culprit was this mod http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/13437/?tab=4&&navtag=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.nexusmods.com%2Foblivion%2Fajax%2Fcomments%2F%3Fmod_id%3D13437%26page%3D1%26sort%3DDESC%26pid%3D0%26thread_id%3D42876&pUp=1, so I disabled it. Might try to re-enable it again if it works again.


EDIT: Yep, it works after enabled and it seemed to be back to normal. :)

Edited by Dragonboom26
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Now that one wouldn't have made my list of possible culprits ... good thing your mod list was short enough to cover all bases.


Thanks for reporting back. :thumbsup:

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