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need a request


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I need a sort of barrack for my army of followers. My PC is not very powerful and I often have the CTD problem in locations with many followers especially if they are wearing nice armors and have beautiful weapons made by modders. I guess there are a lot of people who have the same problem.
Would you be interested in building a kind of hostel or barrack for followers with separate single or double bedded personalized rooms with theme interior and furniture?
This is the plan.


1 – entrance room – separate location (accessed through the loading screen) where the player can enter normally from some place in Skyrim through a door or teleport with a spell (and back to where he was, of course), with separate safe chests for storing armor and clothes, weapons, a smelter, a forge, a leather rack, a workbench, storage for materials and ingots, a wheel for honing, an alchemy lab, an enchanting altar, storage for potions and poisons, storage for soul gems and with a doors (marked on the image with arrows) to the corridor (hall) [2], the armory [4] and the weaponry [5].
2 – corridor (hall) – separate location (accessed through the loading screen) with doors to followers’ rooms [3] and to the armory [4] and the weaponry [5].
3 – followers’ rooms separate locations (accessed through the loading screen). I need 30-50 separate single or double bedded rooms, each suitable for specific kinds of followers.
For example: a – for a vampire follower, b – for an assassin, c – for a healer, d – for a mage, e – for an archer, f – for a daedra follower, g – for a vampire hunter, h – for a dryad, i – for a succubus, j – for a pirate, k – for a werewolf etc.
Other rooms could be furnished each in different style: dwemer, imperial, nordic, redguard etc.
4 – armory – separate location (accessed through the loading screen) with many mannequins to expose different armors.
5 – weaponry – separate location (accessed through the loading screen) with many weapon racks to expose different weapons.
4 and 5 are optional but it would be nice to have them.
Edited by Eluthor
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