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Oblivion in-game body swapper


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Someone should make one so we can all have the HGEC all cup sizes and Exnem bodies and well... every other body like this mod for fallout 3 Body Control which lets you have Exnem Type 3 etc. what do you guys think? if someone made this for Oblivion already and I have missed it then could i have a link?
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Unfortunately, Oblivion's hard-coded in such a manner that there can only be one body mesh used by NPC's. It's not possible, I'm afraid.


By the way, could you make your signature smaller? It's too large for forum rules.

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Here it is right from the Dark0ne's rule Post on sigs and avatars.


Posted 30 August 2003 - 11:07 AM Ok folks, to try and reduce load times and server queries (which in turn take up processing power, which in turn make the WHOLE server slower) I'm setting the following guidelines for avatars and signatures. These ARE rules. Please keep to them as I don't want to be going around editing everyones profiles - and if I notice people change back their sigs, I'll give them a strike.



  • Avatar pics MUST only be 65x65 pixels big and the types of files that can be uploaded are GIF, JPEG, JPG and PNG. If they are animated, they can only be minor and below 30kb in size.
  • Sig's can only be 450w x 300h pixels in size...this includes TEXT and PICTURES. For text, thats about 8 lines max. Max file size 110kb, this doesn't leave much for animation.



TUTORIAL - How can I tell if my signature is within the posted limitations?

  • Make sure your post with your signature is visible in the browser and press the "Print Screen" button on your keyboard. This copies the entire screen into memory.
  • Open "Paint" under Start, All Programs, Accessories and click Edit, Paste.
  • Click Image, Attributes. Set Width and Height to 1 and click OK. This makes the initial image very small (lets paste image show only the image pasted)
  • With the "Select" tool highlighted (selected by default), arrange the image editor where you can see the entire signature area.
  • Press ESC to de-select the image if it is already selected.
  • Click the top-left corner of your sig and drag the selection to the bottom-right corner of your sig which should include all text and images.
  • Click Edit, Copy
  • Click File, New
  • Click Edit, Paste
  • Click Image, Attributes. The Width and Height of your signature is displayed. Compare these numbers to the rules.

TUTORIAL - How can I add images to my signature?

  • Upload your image somewhere such as Photobucket.com and copy the direct URL into memory (highlight and press CTRL + C)
  • Edit your signature and paste the URL inside IMG tags. Example:
  • <pre class="prettyprint"><span class="pun">[</span><span class="pln">img</span><span class="pun">]</span><span class="pln">http</span><span class="pun">:</span><span class="com">//i228.photobucket.com/albums/ee11/Conan_Lon/Oblivion/LHammonds_Profile_Photo_Large.jpg[/img]</span></pre>

Robin Scott

Site owner



So, you CAN have as many pics and as much text as you want - As long as it fits in the blue box shown. :thumbsup:

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