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Can't figure out what is bringing my attributes down


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My character's strength, willpower, agility, endurance, and personality attributes are in red, and I can't figure out why. I originally thought it was the Real Sleep, Real Hunger, Real Thirst mods but i deactivated them and no change. My character has no diseases, poisons, or equipment causing it.


Is there a console command that will show what is causing it or a command that can clear it?

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have you tried restore attribute spell/potions


and or getting cured at an altar


(remember that spell absorption works against you in this case)


any number of creatures can damage attributes -- causing this

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I think an Altar is the thing to do ...

I had the same kind of issue ...

At some point (don't remember when exactly) , I carried a "-3"(in red) in my willpower stats ,

but had absolutely no visible afflictions . It stayed even after levelling up several times .

I had a ring that fortified willpower +3 ... and then only the red minus 3 disappeared from my stats .

But taking it off made the negative -3 re-appear ...:(

Maybe a disease or some kind of spell that is permanent ... dunno .


Anyway ... eventually I decided to visit the chapel(skingrad) & prayed at

the Altar ... and got rid of that annoying "-3 :)


Still , I don't understand why it didn't appear in the active afflictions tab ...


Hope it helps

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