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Bullet Penetration


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I'm just throwing this idea amongst the crowd, Bullet Penetration. is such a thing possible for Fallout New Vegas - no seriously i'm actually asking


a lot of the times it pains me to be unable to kill someone just because they are behind something. like trying to spray at a whole group of people to only find the first row of them dying. or maybe trying to shoot through some other object - i'd be quite a good mod, in my opinion


so i'm wondering, can anyone do this?

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from what i've been told it is, but to much work...it requires a re working of in game collision. and would take a year + min...that's just statics idk about NPCs Edited by ecksile
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a lil off topic but how about bullet holes in dead bodys or at least like they do in GTA when you get shot.



IMPACT will be your best bet, if you have a rig that can handle it. not just bodies but everything can get peppered with bullets

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There is a way to make bullets penetrate npcs! You just need to change weapon projectile type from you want to make penetrating from missile to flame.

Projectile for fire-based weapons like the Flamer. Flame projectiles are not stopped by striking an actor but otherwise behave like missiles.

Edited by Akke96
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