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Can GetFirstRef handle map markers?


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I'm working on a mod that scans the cells around a player and identifies certain major objects like oblivion gates, doors, and other things. I've been unable to get the GetfirstRef or Getnextref to identify map markers. Am I missing something? Map markers are very useful to my mod as they cleanly identify the proximity of a dungeon (using getmapmarkertype).



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Thanks for responding Hickory,


I tested your suggestion and still came up with nothing.


Here is my script:



scriptname nateMapMarkerScript


short doonce

float fQuestDelayTime


float mode



begin GameMode


if ( doonce != 4 )

set doonce to 4

set mode to 1.0

set fQuestDelayTime to 5





ref pMapMarker

ref BaseMapMarker

float Mapmarkerfound




set BaseMapMarker to "10"


set pMapMarker to GetFirstRef 49 1 1 (49 as suggested. Tried 28)

while (pMapMarker)


if pMapMarker.getbaseobject == BaseMapMarker


message "Map Marker found"

set Mapmarkerfound to 1




set pMapMarker to GetNextRef




Edited by nate_12357
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Yes, what QQuix said. You are scanning for BaseObjects of type MapMarker. Your script is querying if the ref equals "10".
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You must look for type 28, not 49. I know, because I have a working scan for Map Markers in my Map Marker Overhaul mod.


Here is a shortened version of the script I use:

	let rMarker := GetFirstRef 28 2

While rMarker
	let oMarker := rMarker.GetBaseObject
	if oMarker == MapMarker
		if rMarker.GetDisabled == 0
			let s1 := rMarker.GetName
			let i := rMarker.GetMapMarkerType
			if eval (sv_Length s1) <= 0 || i == 0
				DebugPrint "MMO:Ignore non-valid marker %i, type: %.0f", rMarker, i
				DebugPrint "MMO:found valid map marker %z", s1
	let rMarker := GetNextRef

Edited by theNiceOne
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That code worked perfectly. I think my issue involved improper use of variable types. I had never really used string_var type variables and mostly used float to store values. Strange that my code worked for doors/rocks and not map markers. Thanks to all those that helped me solve my issue!
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