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Overcome save limit?


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Is there way to remove the 250 saves limitation? As someone who saves frequently across several different characters, this is incredibly frustrating. I did some searching, but I couldn't find any mods or edits that removed it. Does anyone know if it's even possible?

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  • 8 months later...

this is something thats been bothering me as well, one would think this would be an easy mod to plug in on indeed an option inside the game settings to turn off the cloud storage (which is why the limit is there at all) and to unlock the limiter in the game itself. I hit the save limit roof on my first DAI character and had to delete a large amount of saves to be able to move forward once again, only to need one of the older saves later due to an in game glitch but due to me having to delete it cause of the limit I was forced to remake the character entirely. I admit since then my enjoyment of the game at all has been soured and ive not been able to get back into it or even finish it beyond the first playthrough. Yes I know about the save file juggling option but, frankly, thats a useless chore and just makes people to not bother at all when there are a thousand other games to play without EA's fubar the players attitude. A fix on the save limit would go along way to bring back the appeal of the game for alot of people. Sadly if its not possible I guess that would be that, oh well at least we have witcher :D

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  • 3 weeks later...

If you're running DAI through the "Origin" client. Then cloud saves can be disable through "Origin" client prefs. I have it disabled on my game and in a single play through I might have over 200 saves. Reading this post actually is first time I heard of a limit. Though I have never used cloud saves with any Origin game.

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The "250 saves limit" on PC, (I understand it's lower on consoles, poor buggers) is hard-coded, regardless of the "Cloud Sync" setting. And seeing as Patch 11 is the last one, this won't be changed.


Do what I do; create a "DAI Saves" folder and each time I hit the limit I copy everything from a certain date (usually a month ago) and earlier into it. So I have at least the last 30-days' worth of saves immediately available, and the rest are archived.

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