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Raider Player

Guest deleted649591

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Guest deleted649591

I can't help but notice that most of the female raiders look better than my female PC (yes I'm that bad at making a face). So I was thinking that for my 'evil' playthrough I would play a girl that goes full raider.


What I'm looking for is a mod that lets me play using the female raider model. The only thing I would want changed is the model/textures. I thought the easiest why to do this would be to add Raider as a race and have the basic default raiders you see in game set as pre-sets. Everything else would remain the same as any other race and nothing else would be added to the game. I'd build her into a raider as she levels.


Is this possible? Has it been done? I searched for "Raider" in the mods and did find one that specifically did this. I'm not saying there isn't one ... I just can't find it.



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Lings Coiffure makes all races playable and includes tons of choices of hair and eyes. If you only want vanilla hairs and eyes, a simple playable Raider race can be found here.

If you don't want the dirty Raider textures for your character, make a custom race for her by duplicating the Raider race and put in the body/face meshes and textures you want your character to use. Guide on creating custom races here.

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