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Strange blue border and unexplained crashes


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  On 11/27/2010 at 8:24 PM, GooeyGungan said:
  On 11/27/2010 at 10:41 AM, Hickory said:

I don't know what you mean by "something special". What you should be doing is setting Wrye Bash to automatically detect BOSS suggestions -- make sure that your BOSS list is up to date -- and when you rebuild your Bashed Patch, go through each and every option to check off any of your mods that are installed, and uncheck any that remain and are NOT installed. These sections should ALWAYS be checked:

Merge Patches

Import xxxxx

Cobl Catalogs (ONLY if running Cobl)

Contents Checker

Leveled Lists

Race Records

SEWorld Tests (ONLY if running Shivering Isles)


Remember to ALWAYS run BOSS after installing, removing or editing mods, and then rebuild your Bashed Patch, in that order.


If your missing meshes are only weapons, it sounds like the mods are not installed correctly.


As far as I can tell, Wrye Bash is detecting BOSS's suggestions. Is there something I should check?


In the Wrye Bash main screen, right click on the Bash Tags window (bottom right) and select 'Automatic'


Does so does "Import xxxxx" mean that all the "Import [something]" options should be checked? Are there any that should not be?


Yes. As I said: ANY with installed mods included should be checked. If you spot a mod included that is NOT installed, uncheck THAT mod, but not any others. If there is an 'Import' section that has no mods included it does not need to be checked off -- it would be ignored anyway.

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Are you using Oblivion Graphics Extender? OBGE? If so that would explain the blue-ish border you describe on the screen. You need to disable Anti-Aliasing under your video cards control panel to resolve this.


The effect you see is something similar to this?


  Reveal hidden contents



Above images taken from the Official Oblivion Graphics Extender Thread.

Edited by Smooth613
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Wrye Bash is set to automatic, and I just checked all the "Import ______" boxes on the bashed patch. I guess I must have installed something incorrectly. Oh well.



That's not the effect I'm seeing. What I see is a one or two pixel wide border along the left and top of my screen. I'll try to get a good screenshot once I'm back on that computer.

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Right, I understand you may not see an effect that drastic or even that similar. But notice the screenshots I posted are nearly identical to your description. A blue border along the left and top of the screen.


Regardless you didn't answer the question(s).


  • Do you have OBGE installed?
  • Do you have Anti-Aliasing enabled?


If we could at least rule that out it would be helpful. Until then I have to consider this the most likely cause since I've heard of it multiple times in the past.

Edited by Smooth613
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  On 11/29/2010 at 10:59 PM, GooeyGungan said:


Wrye Bash is set to automatic, and I just checked all the "Import ______" boxes on the bashed patch.


To me, that sounds like you haven't taken the trouble to actually check all of the option, but just checked them all and be done with it. :confused:

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