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You most have lived too long in ZA, thinking that everyone are meant to do your dishwashing and laundry :P

@Sirenas Don´t flatter your self. :geek:

Remember the tinyest of them all, that blew even great leaders away, with no charm, no clamour, no nothing but his wisdom: GHANDI

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You most have lived too long in ZA, thinking that everyone are meant to do your dishwashing and laundry :P

@Sirenas Don´t flatter your self. :geek:

Remember the tinyest of them all, that blew even great leaders away, with no charm, no clamour, no nothing but his wisdom: GHANDI


I reckon it must be pretty strange that as a South African, I havent had anything to say about Nelson Mandela (better known than) FW De Klerk,

the man who freed him and unbanned the ANC.

Well, I greatly respect and admire Nelson Mandela - the man must also be admired for his UNWILLINGNESS to stay in office and dominate the

nation that imprisoned him, but he never did, he couldnt wait to be out of office.

Now that is admirable beyond doubt ... truly a sign of greatness.


F W De Klerk (hated by many whites here) must also be admired because he seized power while the current president at that time (P W Botha, a former

army general) was ill before the National Party could raise up someone else to continue the legacy of Apartheid - seperate development.

Both the centre and left-wing whites rallied to him and outnumbered the right and far right and yes believe it or not, the ultra right wing parties, and voted "YES"

to release Mandela and unban the ANC.

This took a great deal of courage, so yay to FW as well.


If PW Botha had not become ill, South Africa might very well still be a nation divided ... and as the military power of the continent (had jointly developed the

the A-Bomb with Israel - yes, Israel has nukes) would have rebuffed any attempt to repel any invader both foreign and domestic.

South Africa you must remember was fiercely anti-communist and the Russians and East Germans were being captured or killed by our military and were greatly

feared by all.


Ghandi, though a man of peace and non-violence made a serious mistake in thinking that he could reconcile Hindu and Muslim - it's like trying to get oil and water

to mix - so yes, admire him for his stand and message, but it takes a lot more to achieve true peace than just throwing away your guns and hoping that everyone

is just going to kiss and hug.

That's naivety, not wisdom.


Unfortunately the alternative is a weapons race - thanks Bethesda for showing the way ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeHMJ_sVKT8&feature=related


Oh yes, I have a dishwasher, washmachine and a number of other machines and gadgets and if those dont do the job, I do it myself, but hey if I can afford to get someone

to do it for me, then that's my choice.

And as for Surenas, if guys turn into puppies for her what's wrong with that ?


If I was you I'd just say woof woof ... XD

Edited by Burnagirl
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You most have lived too long in ZA, thinking that everyone are meant to do your dishwashing and laundry :P

@Sirenas Don´t flatter your self. :geek:

Remember the tinyest of them all, that blew even great leaders away, with no charm, no clamour, no nothing but his wisdom: GHANDI


Well, I've never had to hide my light under a bushel - wanna give it a go, viking?

To be serious, in the often violent muscle show of men only the beauty of women

performs miracles, it blows the hot air away, it reduces giants to munchkin size.

Women as servants of men, that was a mere male wishful thinking, from the start.

I stick at Princess Snow White.

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You most have lived too long in ZA, thinking that everyone are meant to do your dishwashing and laundry :P

@Sirenas Don´t flatter your self. :geek:

Remember the tinyest of them all, that blew even great leaders away, with no charm, no clamour, no nothing but his wisdom: GHANDI


I reckon it must be pretty strange that as a South African, I havent had anything to say about Nelson Mandela (better known than) FW De Klerk,

the man who freed him and unbanned the ANC.

Well, I greatly respect and admire Nelson Mandela - the man must also be admired for his UNWILLINGNESS to stay in office and dominate the

nation that imprisoned him, but he never did, he couldnt wait to be out of office.

Now that is admirable beyond doubt ... truly a sign of greatness.


F W De Klerk (hated by many whites here) must also be admired because he seized power while the current president at that time (P W Botha, a former

army general) was ill before the National Party could raise up someone else to continue the legacy of Apartheid - seperate development.

Both the centre and left-wing whites rallied to him and outnumbered the right and far right and yes believe it or not, the ultra right wing parties, and voted "YES"

to release Mandela and unban the ANC.

This took a great deal of courage, so yay to FW as well


Ghandi, though a man of peace and non-violence made a serious mistake in thinking that he could reconcile Hindu and Muslim - it's like trying to get oil and water

to mix - so yes, admire him for his stand and message, but it takes a lot more to achieve true peace than just throwing away your guns and hoping that everyone

is just going to kiss and hug.

That's naivety, not wisdom.


And as for Surenas, if guys turn into puppies for her what's wrong with that ?


If I was you I'd just say woof woof ... XD


Nelson Mandela's willingness to hand over power I believe is the greatest legacy that he could of left the SA people with because it will serve as a benchmark by which the SA people will be able to judge its future leaders ,truly a great thing he did.And that's just on top of everything else he did,it will be a sad day not only for the people of SA but the people of the Earth when he passes from this world.


F.W De Clerk in his own right did a great thing for SA by freeing Mandela and its something that is generally under appreciated but an act of greatness never the less.


As for Ghandi it wasn't a matter of him thinking he could reconcile the Hindu - Muslim differences but that it was needed as the only way out of the prospect of a great shedding of blood ,that's not naivety its just a recognition of the reality that faced them ,it was the lack of wisdom on the part of both Hindu and Muslim that was the downfall of his efforts.


And as for Surenas if guys are turning into puppies for her then they are boys and not men ,cause if a man loves a women he does not become a puppy for her ,but becomes her lion ,to accept anything other is to settle for less.

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General Patton, a hardcore, no nonsense soldier figure, he recovered his army from defeats and brought hard discipline to the same, he outmatched one of the legendary Wehrmacht ice-cold black barons , Erwin Rommel, Desert Fox.


What he did before the war and in the war aside from his Africa counter campaign?



Funny how you don't bother to mention, in talking about those who ran the Desert Fox to ground, General (later Field Marshal) Bernard Law Montgomery, the victor of Alamein and commander of the Desert Rats.

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General Patton, a hardcore, no nonsense soldier figure, he recovered his army from defeats and brought hard discipline to the same, he outmatched one of the legendary Wehrmacht ice-cold black barons , Erwin Rommel, Desert Fox.


What he did before the war and in the war aside from his Africa counter campaign?



Funny how you don't bother to mention, in talking about those who ran the Desert Fox to ground, General (later Field Marshal) Bernard Law Montgomery, the victor of Alamein and commander of the Desert Rats.


I mentioned Montgomery in greatest military commander thread, can't avoid the man. :)


My personal favorite commander is Vasily Chuikov and many other great military leaders of slavic origin, because that is where I live and that is who I am and where my father and grandfathers fought wars.


This thread , though, is more about politicians , rather then army personas.

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And as for Surenas if guys are turning into puppies for her then they are boys and not men ,cause if a man loves a women he does not become a puppy for her ,but becomes her lion ,to accept anything other is to settle for less.


Haha! That was a good one.

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I would say Field Marshal Erwin Rommel.

He was a brilliant leader who used the little supplies he had, he didn't get involved in the Aryan race superiority (Example, one of his armies captured a British Jewish squad and Hitler demanded they be killed, he refused) and did not commit any war crimes. He was involved in the July 4th plot and was found out but Hitler knew that if he caused a big deal about it, it would have caused a major morale drop and angered the German citizens so he got 2 choices:


Live but have his family sent to an concentration camp


Take some cyanide pills and be buried with Full Military honors.


He took the second option.


He would be my favourite leader and a fine example of the non-evil side of the Third Reich .

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