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BOSS masterlist error issue


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I'm having an issue trying to get BOSS to work. I run it and get the following errors:


Error: masterlist update failed.

Details: Git operation failed. Error: 4294967295; Failed to send request: An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket.


Critical Error: ".\Oblivion\masterlist.txt" cannot be found!

Check the Troubleshooting section of the ReadMe for more information and possible solutions.

Utility will end now.


What is the issue and how can I fix it? Hopefully someone can help!


(I installed the latest BOSS into my Oblivion folder where the .exe is located.)



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BOSS hasn't had an update in ages. Most of us are using LOOT nowadays.


Whereas BOSS depended solely on a master list, LOOT looks at the mods, checks their dependencies and sorts them accordingly. THEN it checks its own (considerably shorter) master list for mods that need to go before or after others where LOOT's usual methods don't place them correctly.


The problem with BOSS was that if a mod was newer than the master list, it had no idea where to put it. The vast majority of the time, LOOT gets situations like that handled just fine.

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Katfan, before switching to LOOT, you need to know that there's a Masterlist update service available at the Nexus for BOSS, read the Description and you will know why it's not recommended to use LOOT for Oblivion (the same reason it's not recommended using NMM for Oblivion... it's a too old game).


However, do not blindly rely on BOSS to sort your Load Order. Sometimes, BOSS will put mods after the Bashed Patch, and only mods that explicitly state in their Description or Readme that they need to be loaded after the Bashed Patch must be put there. Moreover, BOSS always put other mods after Oblivion Character Overhaul v2.3, and unless you have a properly set up Bashed Patch, NO OTHER MODS must be loaded after OCO.


You need to learn how to manage your load order manually even when using BOSS or LOOT.


I personally do not use any of them because installing ONE mod at a time and testing it before adding another is all what I need to know how to set my load order.



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Where is your Oblivion folder located? Also, BOSS's masterlist is still being updated, but slowly. I still use it... Here is a link to the BOSS masterlist on Nexus:http://www.nexusmods.com/oblivion/mods/45765/?




Edit: Seems I was slow on the uptake!! IkeCoast got there first!



Edited by raedwald
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... and the :ninja: appears from the mists ...


As far as I know the only time BOSS will sort a mod after the bashed patch is when that mod is not found on the master list (with the possible exception of Maskars Oblivion Overhaul, which needs to be sorted after the bashed patch, and possibly some other mods in that same category). To prevent BOSS from doing that you simply need to set up a User Rule for that mod, using your best judgement on where the mod should be in your mod list. You can also report that the mod isn't on the masterlist in the BOSS Masterlist mod comments thread linked by Raedwald or using the report feature from BOSS's interface.


There has been a problem with BOSS automatically updating the masterlist. I myself have run into the problem ... BOSS used to automatically update the masterlist and then sort my load order when I first installed it and then some time ago it started to fail to update the masterlist. I seem to recall reading a post somewhere about how to fix that but have been unable to track down where or exactly how.


In any case it's simple to keep your BOSS list updated using the BOSS Masterlist page linked by Raedwald. Just download the latest masterlist, extract the download and then copy the new masterlist to your BOSS\Oblivion folder (replacing the one that is already there if you have at least once managed to update the masterlist using the BOSS automatic update). Whether you have BOSS update the list automatically or do it manually makes no difference ... the list is only updated when Mhahn releases a new revision. You can see a new revision has been released by checking the Nexus Mods Oblivion New Files Today page or simply checking the BOSS Masterlist for Oblivion mod page.


To resolve your problem Katfan simply download the master list to a temporary folder and extract it using 7-Zip, then copy the file named masterlist.txt to your BOSS\Oblivion folder, run BOSS and you should be good to go.

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... and the :ninja: appears from the mists ...


Toldya, Raedwald. I bow before you, Master.



in the BOSS Masterlist mod comments thread linked by Raedwald


... I'm going right now to have a conversation, from woman to woman, with Umbra about a certain Bandit Melee...



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LOL ... no need Ike. If BanditMelee03 has been hanging around the bridge near Vindasel I usually lure her down to "meet" Umbra anyway (or any other bandits that hang around that bridge, or the conjurers that Umbra has chased out of Vindasel). Wouldn't want poor Umbra to get too bored down in that cold dank ruin, would we?


You are learning quickly my Padawan.

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Thanks for all the help!


The problem seemed to be that my Internet Explorer wasn't displaying pages but was connected to the internet, and so after solving that issue, I tried running BOSS again and it worked!


IkeCoast, what were you saying about OCO? I have that installed, and I'm hoping I have it loaded it correctly...I manually edited the loading order and put OCO before all my other mods - would that be the correct thing to do? (Because I don't know personally how I would properly set up the Bashed Patch, so I'm only assuming I have it loaded correctly)

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