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Adding more hair to 'Ren' race and others


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First off, Thanks Ren for the great contribution.


Second, how can I add more hairs? KKKHair02_hh, sulhwahair1_hl

Just examples.


I want to basically use Ren elf, with a different hair style that is included. But it seems like no matter if I put it in texture or mesh /ren ; it doesn't matter.


Anyone help?

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You have to add hair record to the plugin:

1. Open the plugin with Construction Set.

2. Go to Character->Hair, select 'New' from right-click menu.

3. Give a unique FormID to new hair record, then assign hair name, mesh, and texture.

4. To add new hairs to a race, open Character->Race(Do not close hair window yet). Choose any race you want to edit.

5. In 'Body Data' tab, you can see 'Eye Colors' and 'Hair Styles'. These are where you will add new eyes and hairs to a race.

6. Drag and drop a hair from Hair window to Race/'Hair Styles'. If you added many hairs, you'll have to add them one-by-one(I know, it's tedious).

7. When you're done, close all windows and save modified plugin.

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Thank you LFact for your fast response.


I have noticed certain hairs have MULTIPLE INF's which make it more than available DDS for certain hairs.

However, on the Construction Program, only allows me to select ONE INF and ONE DDS.


How would I know which INF to use. For example. There are about 8 DDS's and 14 INFs.

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