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Baurus Sewer Meeting Bug


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So, yeah, after telling Baurus about the DB meeting in the sewers (Path of the Dawn quest) he says that I shoul follow him, but after leaving the bar he doesn't take the regular entrance to the sewers (in front of the bar in a garden) but walks through some districts, exits the IC, walks back to the outer area of the Elven district and then enters the sewers through the "Beneath Blood Works" entrance (the well), enters then (through a OOO1.34[?] entrance) the South-East Canal Region and then the "Imperial Temple Sewers". Here however he somehow fails to continue his route because he stops after activating a switch for opening a gate.


So, what console command do I have to use to continue with the quest (since I didn't make another save before I talked with him)?


Route of Baurus:


Edited by Matrimelee
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