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Everything posted by Matrimelee

  1. It actually was that quest. Oh god, I feel stupid now. I should really restrict my playtime in the Capitol. Thanks for the help!
  2. Does anyone know which quest mod added a NPC right next to the Strip entrance close to the squatters in Freeside, who gives the courier a quest to check on his caravan belongings that he lost somewhere, and bring them back to him? I really have no idea if this was a big, or small quest mod, or if it had any other content.
  3. Sorry for necro, but it has been 5+ years now, and is there a mod out there now, which makes NPC's go loot corpses?
  4. Oh s#*!! For some reason the ugridstoload both in my Fallout.ini and FalloutPrefs reset to 5 some days ago. No idea how this happened, but do you think that this could be the cultprit?
  5. Sorry for the necro, but I am having the same problem as well. The bug is rare, only happens outside, and only affects one cell. Quick saving and quick loading fixes the character / NPC bouncing, but all the objects in the cell are still missing their collision boxes, respectively you just can walk through them. Could this be a ugridstoload problem? (since I set it to 7)
  6. Hello there, am trying to find out why a certain weapon won't play a sound when checking its ammo capacity. I opened up the weapon animation in NifSkope and found the certain spot, where the sound which should be played, is specified. But the question is, WHERE exactly is the animation file looking for the sound? Should it be in the .nif file, or somewhere in the FalloutNV/data/sound folder?
  7. I tried "improved LOD texture noise" and it still looks like this I somehow remember that the LOD used to be more detailed / not so washed out when there was a larger distance between the player and for example a mountain (like the texture you see under the cliff in my picture). Funny thing is, that I never really gave the lod much attention until I saw this scenery. But now, after seeing this, this somehow bugs me. I tried different .ini values, set the terrain values to very big numbers and so on, but the quality stayed the same (means, that the lod only disappears if I am very close by).
  8. Some factions won't attack me though (Goodsprings for example). Even with a -100 reputation.
  9. Hello there, is there some sort of script or item effect in New Vegas which makes all NPC's hostile if you attach it to an item which you are wearing?
  10. The zoom-in isn't the problem. It's some variable in the Project Nevada xml which increases the hud size when trying to aim. The mod you mentioend probably is the Powered Power Armor mod. I already tried it in combination with the overlay. The overlay still got bigger. Also, tm removes the overlay. Going into third person mode does remove it too (it does not however if you deactivate the Helm Visor effect in the Project Nevada MCM menu after enabling it when wearing the health visor item [strange]). NPC's conversations also have the black bars instead of the hud. Not sure if it's possible to have this overlay in NPC dialogue menu.
  11. Ok, I managed to it by adding a script to the specific item! scn equipIT! begin OnAdd player Player.EquipItem GlassesNCRRangerCivilianVisor 1 1 endwell, that was easier as expected
  12. Thanks! Will do that. edit: item got un-equipped. Damn, is there a way to solve this with a script?
  13. Ok, it does not get removed, but will it still be equipped or will it get unequipped?
  14. Is it somehow possible? So that it does not get removed in special scenes or events where the player loses all his stuff.
  15. So far so good. I used Project Nevada's hud variables and Project Nevadas overlay script to make it happen. The hud overlay works, however if you try to aim, the black bars will reappear since the hud image gets bigger while in aim mode. Still have to get rid of that (not sure where to it in the nevada hud xml), otherwise, IT WORKS! http://s1.directupload.net/images/140202/oou2xhbz.jpg http://s14.directupload.net/images/140202/frw8star.jpg
  16. Come to think of it, doesn't Project Neveda use overlays? The creator of Project Nevada should clean his PM, I can't contact him. Also, the overlay is ready: http://s14.directupload.net/images/140202/u6y3pahm.jpg What do you think of it?
  17. Hello there, I recently discovered a wonderful ENB preset which adds black bars to the top and bottom of the screen and generally reduces the size of the screen to give the player a more photo like vision on the screen. I really like this idea, however, want to go a step further and add some overlay over the black bars which would be Fallout-oriented. The ENB preset as for now looks like this: http://s1.directupload.net/images/140201/4rndg3lm.jpg with this style of overlay in mind: http://s1.directupload.net/images/140201/qbx757f3.jpg the result would be something like this (fallout oriented and completely different looking of course): http://s7.directupload.net/images/140201/753wj3nm.jpg which means that I have to create some gfx for the top and the bottom of the screen. The question is, is it possible to create an overlay which permanently fills up certain portions of the screen with GECK? Does the engine supports something like this?
  18. I heard that MMM from F3 had this feature, is it possible to reconstruct that in NV?
  19. Hello there, I made a merged patch some days ago with this content http://s1.directupload.net/images/130715/a4c8uuig.png everything was working fine until I hit the strip and wanted to enter the TOPS Casino. If I try to enter the building the game crashes. Everytime. Even with a new save game. I tried to find the cultprit by disabling mods and foudn out that merged.esp was the problem. So, what exactly went wrong by making the merged.esp (does a NPC have a wrong item in the inventory)? What can cause a crash and is there a way to make a more cleaner merged.esp with FNVedit?
  20. Wouldn't it be possible to just copy that script to NV?
  21. Because I find it is pretty strange, that NPC's never loot any corpses in New Vegas, although everything might be valueable. This also would increase immersion, since you do not always get the items you might want.
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