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Nexus Chat Not Working


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well i tried opera now too, doesnt work either, i honestly have no idea why IP.Chat might not work, i can really only assume that they are blocking my whole IP range or my ISP is using outdated data... no idea... but then i have no idea of ajax, java or how this chat thing actually works so that i could actually understand the underlaying problems Edited by jaysus
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No its been on fine ever since it was reported back on.

You seem to be the only one having this issue and must be a problem from your side.

Perhaps your ISP is to blame, who knows.


I've been in it all day even when I've been out and used my iphone for it. It's definately fine if it can work on my iphone.

Have you tried a different computer or at someone elses house?

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well thx tomato, you kinda solved it, i dont use any blockers etc though ;)


but i realized i used my router actually to connect to the internet (thought i didnt) and connecting directly to the modem solved it, nevertheless i still dont get why that is a problem, router has no firewall, no rules, no nothing, NAT is wide open and i could join IPS chats till the blackout two days ago, i didnt touch that router since half a year or so, hence either some hacker silently smuggled in a firmwareupdate that explicitly only blocks IPS or IPS servers are simply crap and were hacked themselves causing my routers naturl insticts to kic in and block it (didnt find a setting for thta tho lol)... the 2nd sounds more reasonable to me as my router is not really a target and kinda break in proof with its mac filter and stuff, didnt find a rule that would prevent IPS either after just checking it


i sincerely suggest to consider other chat/forum options than crappy IPS... after wusseling hrough their forum to find a solution i came to the conclusion that they are jackasses, questions usually get the common answer: "file a ticket or get a more expensive liscence, thread locked so noone else may answer to you", typical behavior of a shitty company just like graphisoft or gamebryo... not really bad products but customer support like... well i dunno like what, cant find a fitting metaphor atm :P


btw, is there a way to change the favicon of the forum section to somin more nexusy instead of the vanilla IPS ad logo? kinda annoying from a visual sensitive point of view :P


jaysus out, needs to spam the chat a bit :D

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