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All Purpose Rifle


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It'd be interesting to make a rifle that changes function depending on what ammo you have loaded. Basically, the weapon would be able to use shotgun, grenade rounds, and two different caliber bullets for automatic and semi-automatic firing. It would probably be very handy to have an "all-in-one" gun versus carrying over 5 different ones...
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I agree. I usually play with a smart, stealthy and nasty character :tongue:

So I start with 4 STR. I don't have enugh carry weight to keep 5-6 different weapons. + all the ammo weight since I play hardcore :cool:

It'd be awsome to just carry 1 meele weapon (I prefer the super sledge, or The blade of east) and 1 shoty

Something like a carabine with a scobe and two barrels. Like this one :


Good idea btw.

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