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Custom Race Mannequins Help


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Okay. So I have been trying to make Mannequins based on my character model and place them using the construction set. I have tried with literally every mannequin mod on the Nexus. Everything goes fine until I save. when i load up the mod either in game or in the construction set, my mannequin dissappears and when I load up the edit menu for the mannequin, it defaults to vampire race instead of keeping all the changes I made. is there any advice anyone can give me?

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Are you trying to use another mod's ESP as a master? If so you'll need to either use Construction Set Extender or you could use Wrye Bash to ESMify the ESP, make your mod and then re-ESPify it.


ESPs cannot be used as masters with the vanilla Construction Set.

Edited by Striker879
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So if I change "Skin-toned Mannequins to an esm file, itll stop reverting the mannequins to Vampires? i'll give that a shot.

Edit: No beans. I just dont understand why saving the mod in the construction set forces the race to switch to an invisable vampire

Edited by lupicatalum
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Can't really say in the case of Skin-Toned Mannequins. I've stopped using it due to the freeze-up problems it causes if any other NPCs are in the same room. Could be something in it's scripts or who knows where else.

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At their root they are the same mod and share the same problems (look through Skin-Toned's comments).


So I take it you tried the Wrye Bash ESMify\ESPify method?

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You most definitely need to do that as well. All ESP type mods that you are using as resource need to be ESMified, then create your ESP and then re-ESPify them. Those re-ESPified mods are still masters of your mod and as such will always need to be both in your load order as well as above your ESP in your load order.

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Or just do the other suggestion Striker pointed: install the Oblivion Script Extender and you won't need to go espifying and despifying and desmifying things. Life will be lots easier for you.


Oops, new reply, let's see...




EDIT: you wanted a mentor? Congrats! You just got TWO!

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