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Info on it is found in the Advanced Readme in the Context Menu Commands section for the Mods Tab (Esmify/Espify Self down near the end of the second table, just above the start of the Advanced Bashed Patch section).

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Unfortunately, if you don't solve this DirectDX 9 issue, you will later find it popping again with other mods.


The actual issue here is that Oblivion was created for Windows XP and no matter what publicity says, it never was good friends with Vista and later versions of Windows. Hell, even with XP itself more often than once they were (are) catfighting.



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Good luck on that one Lup ... they have zero support for XP these days, not sure if even the verification servers are still there (I have three virgin OEM copies of XP Pro 32 bit ... never even had the shrinkwrap off but they probably won't be of much use as there is no way to apply any of the fixes since SP 3 unless you have them downloaded manually to a folder).

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Did we get some wires crossed from yesterday to today. Looking back at last night we were working MS Visual C++ Redist issues and somehow got onto DirectX 9.0c issues today.


Did I miss a memo on the subject? What is the exact error saying Lup (preferably a highlight/copy/paste).

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