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Custom Race Mannequins Help


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On XP there is no "Run As" for batch files, but in the Properties dialogue you can go to the Security tab and set permissions ... not sure how that translates to Win 7 though.


- Edit - Gee Lup, success and your heart rate barely budged off idle ... LOL


- Edit 2 - And with that picture I pass you into Ike's capable hands, as in this pairing he is the master and I am but a sniveling padawan.

Edited by Striker879
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Ohhhhhhhhh, the sheer beauty of the Construction Set Extender.


It was worth all the effort and the Blake Edwars nonsense all the way, wan't it?


Now, go and mod the hell out of those *censored* mannequins!




PS: you can rearrange and redimension these windows as you please.

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By the way, Striker, how many victims has our body count for today? With Wee I count two, three if we take in consideration Blades surprise return.


I don't count as "victims" the unsuspecting Staff members and unaware forum casual readers who were caught in the Patchouli Incident.



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Has been an eventful day, hasn't it ... I even noticed Zella glancing at WWWEEE's thread, but she retreated without comment (perhaps some survival instinct kicked in??). You didn't pick up on my SotL inference with the "special treat" though ... thought it went well with the Patchouli segue you introduced, but perhaps I'm reading between too many lines or thinking too deeply.

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Ohhhhhhhhhh, that's right, I was a little overwhelmed with so many open battlefronts today (I was also moderating my Spanish forums and had to warn one of my fellows I would order my snipers to aim for his knees if he did not behave) that I missed the SotL treat reference. I'm sorry.


Yep, I also saw Zella there, but she turned back preaching Akatosh we did not notice her.


I need to go to bed now, my last post at Wee's place was too much for the hour it is.





Edited by IkeCoast
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