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Custom Race Mannequins Help


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Ya ... I know, but I am a conservative old codger, and who knows where those cracks have been sleeping before they landed on you?


One of my Starforced games even officially suggested to use a crack to bypass Starforce. I have it downloaded and for years still haven't used it. At my core I am just a crusty old grump, who doesn't take well to being screwed around and holds grudges for all eternity. Don't like solutions from "unofficial" sources (if that crack screwed me who could I hold my grudge against ... some nefarious "them" out there somewhere in cyberspace).


I wanted the Morrowind disk primarily for some voice files for a mod I'd like to try (Ordinator mod). When I get around to it I'll see if installing but not activating will give me access to the BSAs I need for the voice files.

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Ike might be able to steer you onto some resources ... I'm not much of a textures guy myself (beyond body textures anyway).

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although oblivion is not steam exclusive and I do own a steam copy, my post still came too close to banned content so i edited it away to be safe. Id love to make my own tilesets, I just dont know how. I tried to follow a tut but it abruptly ended at texturing so I am lost beyond adding collision

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Wise decision ... even in light of some recent discussion on the subject.


You've quickly progressed to stuff way above my pay grade Lup. You can also start a new thread on other subjects ... often if an original post goes off in different direction like this people who may have the answer to your latest question don't even see what you're currently asking. They only see the mannequins title and have no interest/nothing to add on that subject so they don't even look.


Time for me to follow Ike's example. I'll see what mischief you and Ike can get into in the morning.

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I already asked like 3 days ago. I couldnt make my first mod because of lack of expertise so I moved to the mannequins. next step....blender and nifscope. I wont be able to finish my mod without serious scripting as well. have any scripting knowledge Striker?

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You're really out of luck there. I needed hand holding just to create a simple script to change the cell respawn to 15 days for myself:


ScriptName MyRespawnScript
SetNumericGameSetting ihourstorespawncell 360
That's it, in it's entirety yet I needed Lanceor to hold my hand ... pretty sad really.
I think requests that have a more focused need have a greater chance of being answered. This one is an example. Sure it took some pretty wild jukes and jives along the way, but at the start it was a simple problem that was presented. Work on some of your ideas, and when you reach an impasse post a question that has specifics for someone to grab onto to start.
Remember what I said ... modding is often two steps ahead and then three back. The rewards come on those three ahead two back days.
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Hey, Lupis!


About tileset resources, what have you in mind more or less exactly? I know about some pretty good interior tileset resources, but I need to know the style you want for them.


I don't know much about scripting. The simple script to activate the Map Marker and the Outpost door for my Abysmer v2 took me almost two weeks to finish all by myself.


About packaging other author's assets as a resource for your mod, you have two ways to do it:


Do not include the assets in your release, but state in the Description and the Readme that the original mod is a Requirement.


Or, ask permission from the authors to include their assets in your release (most likely the Description and Readme already state if you can do it or not, but it's proper etiquette to ask first even if mentioned in the Readme).


To package your mod for release, you have various ways to do it:


Manually re-create the directory and files structure in a separate folder out of your Data folder, and then use this copy to create the zip file or the omod installer.


If your mod does not rely on Blockhead to override assets, you can use TES4Files to do the copy of the mod's directory and files for you, and then use it to create the zip file or the omod installer. TES4Files also will warn you about incorrectly set texture paths in the nif files, and even can package your mod into a bsa file better than OBMM BSA creator does. However, when using BH Overrides, TES$Files cannot understand they are used and leaves the Overrides directory out of the package.



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Trust me, both Ike and I read through your post about looking for a mentor.


Speaking for myself, the reason I didn't answer it because I don't have the skill set your request required. My own forays into the Land-o-Blender have been a battle in which the score is Blender 1, Striker zero. GIMPville is even worse ... version 2.6.11 languishing in the folder it was downloaded to, 7z extracted and setup.exe beckoning.


With summer approaching I have many pokers pulled back out of the fire awaiting the return of non-boating season.


- Edit - Have you looked at COBL?

Edited by Striker879
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