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Custom Race Mannequins Help


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LOL ... perhaps why I've stayed single for so many years. So many women, so little time!!


Iron and fur go hand in hand.

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Now back to the original issue. I have turned skin-toned mannequins and my custom race into esm,s using Wrye. I made my mannequin and saved the changes. just to test I placed her in the testing hall and saved. booted up oblivion. no mannequin. went back into the construction set and she was still there. Shes just not showing up in the game. Have I missed any steps?

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Lupis, I thought you had solved the CSE issue and were able to use it normally. Was I wrong?


You missed the step of turning back the esm into an esp, and re-assigning your mod its dependency from the esm to the esp version of the Reznod Mannequins. Or better even, work with a copy of Reznod's Mannequins, turn it into an esm, and when you want to test your mod, put your mod dependency on the original esp.


But, really your CSE doesn't work? Did I miss any message here last night?



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If CSE works, then do not use the Wrye Bash esmifying technique.


Start anew with a freshly mod:


Check Reznod's Mannequins in the CSE Files, but do not make it active. As soon as the CSE has loaded, SAVE AS an esp and exit.


Launch the CSE again, and this time, check Reznod's first and then your newly created mod (BOTH ESPS, NO ESMIFYING HERE), and make your mod the Active File. Build your mannequin and test it in game.


Your current mod isn't working most likely because the dependencies are not properly saved inside it.


Note: I don't recall if by default, the CSE loads also all the dependencies for the Active File. Mine does, but I think I recall it does because I told it to do so. To be sure, manually check your dependencies first, before checking your mod and making it the Active File.



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In-game it's the Prt Scr key ... up above your Ins Home Page Up on standard keyboards (laptops will differ, and for some you need to disable any infra-red devices to get it to work).

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