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Custom Race Mannequins Help


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If you aren't using FRAPS or ALenet's SMAA Injector, you need to enable screenshots in the Oblivion.ini file (the one located in your MyGames\Oblivion folder, not Oblivion_default.ini in your Oblivion root directory..


Must go out now, familiy business, see you later!



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I've had some weird stuff with Skin-Toned ... never tried Reznod's (but the Skin-Toned are just Reznod's with a bit more flavour added). Can't recall for certain if I had the teleport problem, but if any other NPCs are in the same cell they'll often freeze up your game. I prefer using my added NPCs + AI schedules as sort of "moving mannequins" to dress up any places I have (or in my current game any places I've appropriated, like Shetcombe).

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By the way...


Striker, I missed your reply to my texture comment. Thank you, I'm not satisfied about it came out, and trying to improve it, but both of these laptops simply can't stand working with the vector file I use to create the base texture (it's impossible for me creating it straight with GIMP).



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I havent had the teleport issue with reznods before. I am thinking that it may be something to do with race. reznods is based on a mannequin race and I am changing race. I am going to go into race settings in CSE and compare my race with reznods and see if I can find a discrepancy between the two. am I thinking like a modder yet? lol

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Yep, you're thinking like a modder, and a very autopsy-prone one. Like me.


Check also the AI packages on your mannequins and compare them with Reznods. And their Factions. Sometimes, Factions are used to control an NPC behaviour.



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Mines prettier than Reznods :tongue:


Edit: Also, I dont think it has anything to do with a discreppancy between my mannequin and his directly. I changed the editor ID to make a direct copy of his then edited the race, hair and face but changed nothing else. to confirm this I checked their AI packages and they are the same.



Edited by lupicatalum
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