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The more interconnects you have between pathgrid nodes the more varied NPC's paths can be. That doesn't necessarily mean two NPCs will take different paths if one was following the other (I think the game engine tries to play efficient and only uses the same nodes for each NPC), but on two separate traverses of the same room there is a chance for the NPC to take a different route.


More nodes aren't necessarily better than less though. The ideal is the fewest nodes and interconnects to give multiple routes to the doors and furniture, as well as some variety to wander packages.


- Edit - There are times when it pays off to be a non-CSE dinosaur ... :laugh:

Edited by Striker879
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No ALL the nodes that form a pathgrid need to be interconnected, but ALL the nodes that form a path need to be connected. For instance, the nodes right in front of the entrance to the doors, in the corridor side, don't need to be connected to each other, but they need to be connected to a central path that goes along all the center of the corridor, with nodes in front of the doorways to the rooms. Like this:







Ent. X----X----X







You could always be a pal and generate the pathgrid for me considering that my CSE is broken lmao





PS: my internet connection is doing funny things and glaring at me in a strange way. I'm going to hit it with my chair. If I don't reply anymore until tomorrow, my connection had crashed. If I don't reply anymore ever, my internet connection ate me.

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Lol this blows. If you want me to further clutter the barracks after I grid it you can go screw yourself lol

For the purpose of pathgridding, I have decided to alter the barracks. Is there an upper limit to the ammount of cells in a mod? I doubt it but i figure id ask.


I have also decided that IF I release this mod, I am going to release several esp's. one barracks wing for a total of 40 beds in barracks, 5 wing for a total of 200 and the full with 50 wings and 2000 beds

Edited by lupicatalum
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In the top picture it looks like you have a connection from one side to the other across the room and then you've also connected the edge nodes to the center node (see the double lines).


I'm in a different school of thought than Ike on how interconnected pathgrids should be. The only other connection I would eliminate is the long diagonal ... the one from one side of the room to the other without any further connections. The path from one side to the center and then to the other side would suffice.


What I look for is paths that will allow the NPCs to navigate in as natural manner as possible. If they go straight to the middle of the room and then walk straight along the length of the room I think their wander packages (or even traveling from one spot to another) looks more robotic than if they take the occasional detour (especially if your cluttering gives some points of interest along the way).


A note about display cases ... NPCs will randomly open them for no reason (other than looking for a weapon during battle I've never seen one take anything out of a case). Key lock them and only give keys to those you'd want to open the display case.

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It tried, but didn't like the flavor, phew.


Well, in the archery range picture looks like you used all the connection possibilities. This is quite a total freedom of movement.


However, I think we have a little of a misunderstanding here: pathgridding does not tell NPCs where they can go and where they can move. It just tells them how to do it. You see the sides of the Archery Range, where no path lines are present? NPCs, Companions, will still walk there if they decide to do so (but rarely they will, since they will prefer to stick to available paths). For instance, if you leave it as in the piciture, with the upper half of the range non-pathgridded, when a Companion practicing archery runs out of arrows, he/she will go there, pick the arrows and then return to shooting range.


In the picture from yesterday, I see double path lines from the center of the corridor to the side nodes. They're unnecessary.


Other than that, your pathgridding looks perfect to me. Yes, I usually don't mind my companions walking a little bit robotic, but Striker is right, giving them paths enough to "know" how to move with smooth and natural motion is better.



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You mean, you will leave the upper part of the Archery Range ungridded? I would say yes, that's enough.


Can I make you a suggestion? You said you don't use Companions. I think you could use my Ryan to test how well your pathgrid works. His AI will put your Vault to its knees. And most likely make you cry in frustration when you see him do whatever you DON'T want him to do.


Just a warning: the other day, for the "She's Not Amused" picture, I made Philippus recruit Ryan. In the way from the Inn to Mackamentain, some 15k gold disappeared from Phil's pockets. Guess where I later found those 15k?



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